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    The warmth darkness surrounds me. It accepts me. I don't have to fight anymore, I can let go for once in my life, no more vampires. No more hatred in the world that was made for humans. God decided to take me now, so much peace, for once. Peace....

But the peace didn't stay, the agonizing pain that was with it was the fire lit within. I didn't want to wake up, but the pain didn't subside once I fell into unconsciousness it was either die painfully or to wake up with a new crisis. But I didn't get to choose, it choose for me.

    Slight mumbles.



    I feel my eyes flutter open to see Harry, Zayn, Vlad, and another woman. Who looked to me like a doctor. The pain was so much I couldn't lift my head, all I could do was moan, and groan into the little couch pillow that was already full of my make up, sweat, and tears.

    "Don't move hun." I hear the woman ask, but I just sat there, the tears flowing freely. Not being able to speak, but only to sob.

    Harry was by my side, holding my free hand that wasn't on my neck bandage. I feel a sharp pain in my arm to see a needle being stuck into my crease on my arm. Harry looked away, hatred in his eyes for the nurse to cause me anymore pain.

    I looked up to Zayn, who had sadness upon his fragile, brown eyes. Not saying a word, he catches my gaze and smiles, but not the real Zayn smile, the "I want you to think your ok" Smile. And with that i slightly glared for his smile. But he just winked at me, knowing I caught on.

    Vlad.....was all uneasy, but silent, unmoving, like a stone. Like I could carve another feature into his young, yet old face. But he soon walked towards me, slowly, nodding to Harry who took a few steps back, but Vlad sat beside my legs and looked me dead in the eye, then I knew the bad news, was to come.

    I felt the pain slowly die down a little bit, and then Vlad took ahold of that moment, just as the nurse slipped out of the room unnoticed.

    "Mara....I know your in pain, but were doing everything we can to stop it, but for some reason...your blood, and body, are refusing Harry's bite, his venom is too much for you, it's only happened once since vampires created war, but the only cure was to become a vampire, and if not...then you'll be in great pain, but not only that. But with this moment in time, Danger, the weaker you are, the weaker Harry will be." He ended with a slight squeak of the leather couch as he awkwardly awaits my response.

   The response hit me like a wall of stone, it was like I had to choose, that I couldn't even have a day to wait my change of life.

   I nodded my head to show I understood what he meant. "So I have to become a vampire, or sooner or later Harry will be as weak as I am right now, and we'll die? Is that the little, yet full summary you were trying to explain Vlad?" I say with shaky breaths as I still feel the pain, with every beat my heart takes.

    He just nods. And I see Harry's lips pressed thin, and his eyes black, I knew that by now, it meant he was pissed. I just wanted to pull on those curly locks of his and kiss him, and tell him YES, and that everything will be fine. And damn right I would if I could right now!

   "Harry" I mumble as I outstretch my hand. He doesn't comply and grabs it and places light kisses to the top. Knowing the effects he has on me. "I'll do it for Harry" I slightly mumble.

   Vlad grins at me and Harry, knowing that the bond was growing stronger within our bodies. But Harry just sits there and stares at the ground. But soon nods his head yes, that it's best.

    "But dad, who's going to be her maker?" He asks with that rich English accent, but his father is Romanian? I have to ask some more questions, when I can. They have to explain. A LOT of things to this little mind right here.

    Vlad takes a moment and then replies with his deep, Romanian accent. "It' obvious it has to be you, your her mate. You deserve to be her maker."

    Harry smiles, not only at Vlad but reaches down and lightly kisses my cheek and whispers "I'll do it". It was so faint I could barely hear it, but vampires and there damn incredible hearing, act like he yelled it through a bullhorn.

    They both nod in acceptance, and Zayn steps forward, finally saying something in this conversation. "Mara, I know your scared. But me Harry, and Vlad will be here every step of the way." I immediately smile back, nodding my head. "Thank you Zayn, I appreciate the little speech" I say winking at him, but failing miserably, as he chuckles a little bit.

    Harry smiles at me, catching my failed wink, and winks at me. I giggle, but soon stop as the pain comes back. And begins to pulse with every heart beat. I look at Harry, as he is no longer where he was, he's talking to Vlad, so quietly I couldn't hear.

But the big boom of Harry's voice, as he notices i'm back in pain announces something I slightly dread.

"Let the change begin..."


I know, I told you all I might not update till later. But SURPRISE! The internet will not go out until tomorrow. Stupid connection, but I took ahold of the situation and wrote another chapter. I know I've said thank you a lot. But amazingly 190 readers, turned into 320 in a matter of hours. Thank you so much, it means a lot. I will write as soon as I can! Promise, I love writing. Thank you again readers. Love you all.

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