Your love, isnt love at all.

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I awoke with a moan as I realize i'm on a bed. I immediately bolt up and notice my surroundings. Theres a giant, canopy bed. With blood red sheets and covers. And a couple of dressers, and a giant desk facing the window. There's two doors that can only be the closet, and the bathroom. As i'm about to get up, I feel immediately dizzy, and as if on cue. A little woman walks in holding a tray of aspirin and water, she had her hair neatly tied back, and wrinkles covering her face, but she looked no older than 45. She spoke in a language I didn't know, but it sounded Italian. She laid the bottle of aspirin and water on the bed and leaves. But before she leaves. She whispers what sounded to me, like a faint 'I'm sorry'. I immediately take the aspirin and gulp down the little cup of water she gave me. But I just laid there, looking at the ceiling realizing that i'm the princes mate. And he broke his fathers law. I'm destined to be with the man who took my family's freedom away's son. I've heard stories of Vlad, and how he trained his son to kill. And he practiced on innocent women and children. As my eyes began to tear up I look down on myself. I'm wearing ragged garden clothing. So I go to the first door, and see its a walk in closet. With the prince's clothes on one side, and women's clothes on the other side, but I could only guess he got them for me. And the note on the first rack proves it. I grab some sweatpants and a tank top and take off for the shower. Which has got to be the nicest bathroom I've ever, red granite sinks, a red granite tub, that looks like it has little Jacuzzi spouts. And a nice red shower. You could tell this is a vampires bathroom, that's for sure. I turn on the shower and make it as hot as it can go, and strip myself of my clothing, and jump in. There's about 20 different shampoo's and conditioners. I could live like this if it wasn't the princes house. And if I wasn't his mate. As I turn off the water, and dry myself off. I hear a knock on the locked door. My heart jumps out of my chest. "Who's there?" I hear a light laugh. "It's me, harry. Can I come in?" I look at the door shocked. "Can you wait a minute, I have to put my clothes on." Again he laughs, and turns the knob repeatedly "You shouldn't hide your body from me love. I could see you naked right now if I wished, but I wouldn't do that." And then he stops. And I hear him walk away.

     I put on my clothes as fast as possible, I mean that would scare any 13 year old coming from a 200 year old vampire, and put my wet hair in a braid, and walk out. I see harry at the desk, he looks up at me, and looks at my tight tank top and sweatpants, and smiles. And then he winks at me. I swear my heart flipped, but I'm only 13, I can't feel this way. I go and sit on the white leather chair and look out the window. "Mara?" I look at him nervously, as I didn't even hear him get up. "What's wrong love?" I looked at him shocked, as if he didn't know what was wrong. "Everything Harry, I was living an alright life, and you take me three years before your supposed to. I'm only a child. How can you love a child Harry. It's sick" I couldn't believe the venom rolling off my tongue as I said that. I've always been a shy girl. Harry's eyes turn a dark green, he raises his hand and as he is about to hit me. He stops. Instead he throws the nearest thing possible. My eyes go wide as I slide out of the chair and huddle in the nearest corner, scared to look at him again. He walks up to me and throws me on the bed. And almost instantly his on top of me with my hands pinned above my head. He grins a nasty, evil grin. "Child? You aren't a child anymore. Your a teenager. 3 years don't mean shit to me. I want you. Your mine. And no one will change that Mara. NO ONE.!" I turn my head scared to look into those eyes. I feel himself lower his head and I feel his lips on my neck, I immediately begin to shake. "Please don't hurt me. I'm not ready." But he doesn't stop, I feel his one hand let go of my right arm, but with his strength one hand could make my two hands stay. And with his hand, he began to rub all over my body, getting lower and lower to my private, and then he does the unexpected and roughly begins to rub down there, I begin to cry and look up at him as he just sits there and smiles.. Then he stops, and looks down at what he's doing and notices me crying. And jumps back, and begins to apologize for what he's done, and how he shouldn't of done that. But all I could do was sit there and cover myself up, and cry. I hear him storm out of the room, but before he leaves. I hear him say, "All I want is to love you" But how is that love? He touched somewhere I shouldn't be touched until i'm married. What little trust I had for anyone, disappeared as I hear him walk back into the room

Like it? Kinda dirty I know, but it had to be done. I hope you like it. And I made it because all the other stories of 18-25 year olds falling in love with vampires, when most readers are only 13-19. So I hope you like it. Don't forget to vote, comment<3 Bye:D

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