Free Falling.

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    Tears escaped my eyes like fliipin' Niagara Falls. But the tears stopped after a couple of days. I was just numb, everywhere, everything was a blur. I didn't feel the pain of my heart anymore, not even my neck, it was like I really was dead, but my spirit was trapped in my body.

    The only person I communicated with, was Zayn, he was there every time I woke up, and went to bed, he got me food, and anything I wanted. And occasionally Vlad to check up on my health, but the truth hasn't been said aloud, but I am dieing. I've lost about 25 pounds, and I was only 110 pounds before. I'm deathly pale, I haven't been outside in 2 weeks.

2 weeks.

    It's been 2 weeks since the big 'event' happened, 2 weeks since I've seen Harry. I see a glimpse of him every now and then, passing in the hall, or leaving the room i'm entering, but I've heard, many things from these maids.

     Harry is looking as bad as me. He's growing weaker, barely physically but mostly mentally. He doesn't listen to anyone anymore, not even Vlad, and I've been told that he talks about me all the time, how he misses me, how he wants to with me so bad, but I just cant be with him, he's hurt me so much. I do miss his lovely face, his beautiful green eyes. His pearly white teeth, I even miss him being angry at me. Shows I never stopped loving him. But whats done is done, he can't change it. But maybe I can.


    I couldn't help but laugh at Zayn's stupid jokes. It felt good to laugh. He was always trying to cheer me up, but today, I felt lighter, I feel better then I have these past, couple of days. I was laying on my bed, with Zayn laying beside me, he was rambling on about some knock knock joke he never understood. But I accidently blocked him out, my thoughts traveled back to Harry. And it was like this everyday, not being able to get him out of my head.

   Zayn, being Zayn, read my thoughts, and looked at me with sympathy.

   "You should talk to him Mara." Zayn softly suggested.

   I jerked my head up to his face, and studied it. I slowly nodded my head no.

    "You have to mara, Your dieing, so is he. But to me, I want you to life, forget Harry, your my best friend, and if you die, i'll probably die too." He ended with a tear running down his face.

     I patted caressed his cheek, and wiped his tear away, moving forward cuddling him. I hear him choke.

     "Don't cry Zayn, it's not the end of the world." I say with slight humor.

     "But if you die. Then my world ends, and so does Harry's." He says with a sad tone.

     I processed his words, Should I talk to him? Should I not? Should I let him into my life again? Or should I forget, and hurt Harry, and Zayn.?

    After a few more thoughts, I finally whispered into Zayn's ear.

    "I'll do it, for you Zayn" I say with a smile, thinking of me back in Harry's arms, where I belong.

Hey guys, sorry it's short. But I've been busy, but enjoy<3 Vote<3!! Comment<3! Love you guys :3


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