One way or Another

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Beep. Beep. Beep.


The annoying sound of a heart monitor woke me from my slumber. I heard mumbles, obviously males. But I couldn't make out what they were saying. But finally I took the strength to open my eyes, only to shut them, they couldn't handle the blinds being open. It was too bright. But once I heard the door shut, and someone close the blinds. I opened them back up into a tiny squint.

    Harry was all in my bed, looking at me. He had black bags under his eyes, his curly hair was up into a mess, his eyes were black. He looked dead. Really dead.. Vlad was slightly better to look at, the stress was obviously there, the frown on his face, sitting there staring at me intently. Like I was a freaking animal. My voice awoke with a croak. "What happened?"

   "You don't remember Mara?" Vlad says with his strong Romanian accent. I just shrug my shoulders looking down trying to remember what happened. I looked at Harry, his eyes slightly watering diverted to Vlads. Vlad Nods, and leaves the room. Closing the door with a little thump. I could hear his heavy footsteps walking away. What awoke me from my thoughts, was Harry's slight cough, indicating to avert my thoughts to his voice.

    "Mara." Harry's voice whispers. I look at him, nervously fiddling with my fingers.

    "Yes Harry?" I ask.

    "Try to remember, just try, please." Harry's voice pleads. I nod my head and lean back trying to remember what got me in here.

    "Do you remember anything Mara?"

    "All I think of, is when you changed me. When I figured out my power. And then....." I look at Harry's pleading eyes. "The war."

   "Yes, good, Do you remember anything else, like what happened during the war?"

   I nod my head yes.,

   "Then what do you remember?" He asks.

   "How my father started this. How my brother is dead. And my dad." I look down at my stomach and see my hospital gown stained with blood where I got shot. "Shot me..." I trail off.

   I look up at Harry confused. "How long have I been out Harry." I look at my body once again to see my body has changed drastically. My waist is thin, but my chest is bigger. And my legs have grown.

    "3 months Mara." He says nervous.

    "3 months!" I scream.

    Harry nods his head yes. "Your sixteen now, or at least your body is Mara." I look at him astonished.

    Then my thoughts trailed back to the war. "Did we win?" I ask him.

     "Of course." He smiles.

    I smile at him. "How much longer will I have to be in here.?"

    "Only about 2 more days, they have to monitor your health princess."

    I nod my head. "I'll leave you to some alone time to process things, i'll just be a yell away." I nod my head as he leans down to kiss my no longer little lips. Once he leaves I get up to go look into the mirror. I'm at least a foot taller. My chest expanded, my butt even got bigger. But my curves are still in all the right places. My eyes are more yellow then green now, an my hair looks healthier, a nice sandy brown. I smile at my looks. But that smile turned into a frown as I got a wave of sadness wash over me as I see a picture of Harry and Zayn on the mirror Harry intentionally brought from home, as he knew I wanted to look at myself, but I realized I didn't even see Zayn lately. Not the day I got changed. Or during the war. He didn't come and see me. I miss him a lot. I miss his stupid jokes. His smile. the way his brown eyes twinkle when he sees he made me laugh. The way when he says certain words, he sounded completely different. I miss his drawings. Always stupid cartoons ones when I was sick.


    "Are you ready for this one?" He asks, leaning towards me.

    "Sure Zayn, hit me." I say slightly laughing.

    "Ok, there was 3 girls one a blonde, one a brunette, and one a red head were riding in a car. The red head said, What would you bring if you were stranded on a island by yourself, with only one thing? The red head said, i'd bring a fan, just incase it got hot. The brunette said i'd bring a case of water, just incase it got hot. And the blonde said, i'd bring the car door, so I can roll the window down incase it got hot." I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Zayn fell off the bed from laughing so hard. For once he did something besides a knock knock joke.

    Once the laughter finally died down, I moved to cuddle in Zayn's arms, I realized that night that he is my true friend, the one I knew I could trust my life with. We talked about everything, about how he was made, how he met Harry. He was so good as stories, yet sucked at jokes. I finally fell asleep inside his strong arms, I felt his cool lips on my head, and before sleep took over me. I heard him whisper "If only you were mine."

*End of Flash Back*

    And that was the last night I was with him. Before we separated, Harry took his spot. I felt guilty. As I headed towards the bathroom. I found some clothes, my clothes from home. I smile, and take them in to take a shower and changed. Once I came out I saw Harry smiling at me.

    "Why were my clothes here if I couldn't leave.?" I say to Harry as I sit on my hospital bed beside him.

    "Oh you can leave, but you have to stay here overnight till Saturday so they can monitor you, only over night. Since your wound is healed, all that's left is blood situations, you can come with me. You need to meet some people."

   I took this all in, but I just nodded as he took my hand, and led me outside to his car. As we got in, the car ride was mostly quiet. "Where are we going?" I ask.

  "To the castle, and who you are meeting, doesn't matter." He says shortly. But I just said a little ok and continued staring out the window.

   Once we arrived to the castle he quickly picked me up and ran with his speed he took me to the balcony, as he lead me to the end of the balcony, at least a million people where there. All vampires, erupted into cheering. Harry's booming voice yelled. "Please welcome, your new found princess. Mara Victoria Waite." Again more cheers, I couldn't help but feel welcomed, even with my face slightly red. I looked down at the ground. I saw the main vampires seated. Vlad in the biggest chair with an empty one beside him I look confused at that. But He smiled at me. I smiled back at my handsome soon-to-be father. After a few more announcements on the war, and the ceremony of our marriage, Harry led me inside his room we talked about how they were dieing to meet me, or at least see me. They needed to meet there queen, and the reason it was so short, was because they knew I was shot. I was still shocked that he took me that quickly and sent me up to the balcony to just meet everybody, and it was done that quickly.

    All those people were wanting to meet me, i'm there princess. I'm royalty.

    But what I noticed the most was how Zayn wasn't there, my best friend, didn't want to see me being announced over?. He wasn't there cheering. Puzzled, I look at Harry. "Why wasn't Zayn there today, or the other days.?" Harry looked at me shocked, the smile on his beautiful faced now gone, ignoring the question, he goes into the bathroom. I follow him. His eyes now red he slammed his fist down into the marble counter, I nervously ask him "Where is he Harry?" He looked down nodding his head no, tears escaping his eyes.

   "Mara," He looks at me sad. "He's dead."

   And that's when my world flipped upside down.


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