Crap Happens.

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    Harry's turned around,  he's talking to someone else as he's taking a step in. Immediately I dart into the closet full of Harry's papers, and hide behind a stack of boxes.

    I can hear him walking in, and shutting the door, I see his shadow right in front of the door. I hold my breath. Not that vampires have to breathe, but I still didn't even let a noise come out. I hear him sit down, panic rises through me as I think of a way out of here. Maybe if he goes out, I can jump out the window, or leave a minute after he does, to make it look like I was looking for him. Yeah. The second one sounds better, theres too many guards that would crack down on me.

     After what seemed like eternity, I heard his cell ring. I could hear him answer it. "Yeah? Shes what? I'll be right there." And with that he hangs up and storms out. Immediately I took ahold of the situation and jump out of the closet, and bolt towards the door. I open it quietly, and peer out, looking left and right. I walk out silently, and casually walk the way I came. Acting like I didn't even know what just happened. Thoughts swarmed my mind as I think about he even dead? Did harry really lie to me like that? Faked the tears, the slight depression I went through, was all for nothing. Damn him. Damn him to hell.

    I open mine and harry's room, and come face to face with the liar himself. His eyes black. "Harry what's wrong?" I ask worried. "Where...have you....BEEN.?" Harry screams. I look at him shocked, why is he angry with me? "I was walking around the house?" I state, more then ask. "I thought I told you to stay here." He yells. "HARRY!" I scream back. "NO you didn't! You told me to go tour the house but not to interrupt my mother." I say. Harry just nods his head no. "I'm sorry Mara....I panicked...I thought you left me, the guard's were looking for you, and I didn't know what to think." He whispers as he sits on our bed. "Why would I leave...besides the fact that right now I do.." I say never leaving his gaze. "Why do you want to leave your mate princess?" Harry says, knowing damn well I cant help but smile at the name. But I hold it back, and just glare. "Like you don't know harry, this is the biggest thing you've hurt me." I say while walking towards the bathroom. But harry stops me. "MOVE HARRY!" I scream. But he doesn't budge.

    "When a girl has to pee, a girl has to pee..." I say with slight humor. But he pushes me backwards, and I end up falling but luckily with my balance I could fall slightly better then I would have as human. "Tell me what the fuck is the matter with you Mara." Harry screams as he walks towards me, eyes fully black. Scared I whimper and crawl away from him, scared of this type of him, he's only done this to me once. "Face it Harry. You know exactly what I know now, but you just cant admit the fact that I caught you in a lie." I say with tears rolling down my cheeks. He then stops, his eyes turning back to his normal color. "What?" He asks, playing dumb. "YOU FUCKING KNOW HARRY!" I scream at him, done with the crap he's been pulling. But I spoke too soon. "YOU DONT TALK TO YOUR PRINCE THAT WAY MARA.!" He yells at me, while walking towards me.

 He then kicks me in the ribs. Where did this anger come from, we've argued, but it never got to the extreme, of getting physical. He then throws me at the wall. I slightly feel any pain. Thank god im a vampire. I then jump up and face him.  As he walks toward me, "Harry" I whisper as tears roll down my cheeks. Guilt filling his eyes as he takes in my bruise fading into nothing. He tries to walk towards me, But I just nod my head and walk away from him. "Leave me alone Harry" I say. "Where are you going.?" He mumbles. "Away from've gone way too far...over me touring the house you not understand you have anger problems...and you hurt your mate, of all people Harry. Your mate." I say turning and looking at him. "But sadly theres no one here to comfort me" I say. Thinking of a way to Harry realize what I know. "What do you mean Mara?" He ask. "It means theres no Zayn here to be with me right now...he's the one that always comforts me..." I say stating the facts. Knowing I can see what he really knows just through the look of his eyes. He looks at me, his anger is building, but somehow he puts on a fake smile. "I'm sorry Mara. I wish he was here too." He whispers turning away.

     That was it I thought, "No you don't Harry, you know damn well that your happy he's gone. I know the truth behind this Harry....damn it Harry WHY?" I say slowly edging towards a scream. He whips around, his eyes bulging, "How?" He asks. "Never underestimate the power of your princess Harry...Never." I say while glaring. "Mara...wh." But I stop him from even completing his sentence. "No..." I say while turning around heading towards the living room. Hearing his footsteps behind me, I turn my head, to see him charging at me. Then everything goes black.


Guess who's back?(; I will update soon. Promise. No more monthly waits(: 

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