My true love waits.

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I feel groggy. I wake up to see I'm in a bed, but not Harry and I's. I moan as the thoughts come flooding back to me. "What Happened?" I think to myself. My head is pounding, as I try to sit up and get out of this strangers bed. The scent of the house is even different. It smells like jasmine and musk, not like Harry's normal scent of an earthy smell. I get up and waddle towards the door and slam it open, demanding an explanation to why I'm here, and what happened in the first place. The hall way is empty only joined by another going left. The lights aluminate the darkness as I quietly sneak around. I turn left, then a right trying to follow the noises of the few people I hear in front of me. A grand staircase approaches me. I look over the railing expecting Harry and his many friends but all I see is TV playing and 2 people watching it. I cough to catch their attention and up pops my mothers and Vlad's head. I hurry down the staircase to ask questions but before I can my mother beats me to it. "Mara don't worry about anything, its all under control." I look at her with wide eyes. "MOM Where am I, wheres that son of a bitch Harry at?" I all but scream. "HEY!" Vlad's voice rumbles. "You will not call him that in my presence Mara, he may have done something stupid to make you angry but he is my son, and more importantly your mate, you will respect him as he respects you." He says as a tingle runs up my spine. "I don't care anymore...just please where am I.?" I ask. "Your at mine and your mothers place. Harry is away, he will return to get you shortly." And that was it. That's all they told me no mater the amount of pleading and begging I did to leave, I couldn't even go out the window, they had guards at every turn.

     I locked myself in the bathroom to gather my thoughts. 'Zayn's alive.' 'Harry has lied to his own mate, and he expects me to just be okay with it.' I look into the mirror and meet my own older, mature stare. I can do this I think to myself, I splash water onto my face trying to wake up from this horrible dream. Living with a master was a hell of a lot better then this. Drama, lying, pain. My heart didn't expect this when I put my life in Harry's hands almost a month ago. "He is your mate Mara" Vlad's words ring in my ears. I leave the bathroom to lay in the king sized bed in the beautifully done room. 'Damn, my mom has mated with Vlad once and a house is in her name, Vlad seems sweet why couldn't I have him, yeah he's like 700 years old, but hey, he looks pretty damn good for his age.' I think as I look at the ceiling. "Your a liar Harry, I know the truth." The argument god knows how long ago still presses on my thoughts. "Zayn.....why aren't you hear, you promised me you'd never leave me...." I whisper as I fall asleep into the blissful thoughts of Zayn and I.

    I'm awoken with a thud, I turn to see the door opening. I jump up to meet Harry with his head hung low. He doesn't even notice me, as he probably thinks im asleep. As he turns around from shutting the door he finally meets my gaze. "Mara." He mumbles as he steps toward me...I back away. "Please Mara....I know you remember what you remember but more happened then that." "No" I say..."Your a liar. How dare you lie to me about someone as important to me as Zayn." I say barely above a whisper, knowing he can damn well hear me. "Can we at least sit down, and I can explain everything to you?" I nod my head and turn around to sit on the silk sheet covered bed. He sits beside me, and I turn around to face him as he does the same. "But first how did I pass out, because seriously Harry the last thing I remember is you charging at me." I whisper. "You ran into someone...and yes that someone is Zayn. We were having a conference when everything between me and you went down, he heard the commotion and went down there to our room to check it out, and you 2 just happened to collide." He says. My heart literally skipped to know that I was in the same house as my best friend again. "And yes, it is the truth...I swear to it on our bond Mara." He says while taking my hands. "Now explain...Why did you lie to me, and kick Zayn out...or whatever you did to him." I say. "Okay, first of all I never wanted any of this to happen, I mean any of it Mara. But I got jealous of you and Zayn. I know that you two are extremely close, and Zayn came to me personally telling me his feelings for you were rapidly growing. And I snapped. I kicked him out of the kingdom, banning him away for life. And yes I do regret it, but I was panicking when you asked me about Zayn, and the closest thing I could come to was death. And the letter, well he sent me that a while ago, and I called him in to settle the deal that he could come and see you, but you just didn't let me explain it exactly before accusing me Mara, and when I was charging at you, Zayn was running and I went into over protective mode and ran towards you trying to protect you." Harry finally finishes and looks at me...Everything settles in. "I'm sorry Harry." I whisper as I realize that everything was technically my fault. Yes he lied but I jumped to conclusion. He looks at me and nods his head, "Me too." He whispers as he pulls me into a hug. I hug him back, happy to be in his arms. "I love you Mara, ive missed this, us. I should of known the wedding would be a lot of stress on you." He says. I nod my head, "I love you too Harry, so much." I pull him into a kiss, and let me tell you, just from me, I think it was an amazing kiss. It was exploding! It got heated quickly. He was on top of me kissing me hard and moaning into my mouth as our legs intertwine. With our clothes still in tack he eases up the kiss and whispers into my ear. "3 more weeks until our wedding and your mine. I had to post pone it, but it will be worth it." I smile at the thought of me actually belonging to this amazing man. He lifts me up out of the bed.

    "There's someone I really need you to see." Harry says while leading me towards the door. As we walk hand in hand towards where Vlad and my mother were last seen we descend the staircase. He goes towards the front door, and out onto the porch, I look up into the front yard to see a very handsome guy there. I look at Harry to look back at the man turning around, and there he was, my best friend, smiling like always. I run towards him attacking him with the biggest hug I could muster. "Mara" He whispers into my ear. "Zayn" I whisper back.

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