||Chapter 16||

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||Chapter 16||

<|Third Age 2974|>

The hobbit proves her brazeness and strength once again in the minutes following after the Company's dinner that same night. Grabbing the king forcefully by his elbow, she pulls him from the dining hall and into an abandoned hallway nearby. To anyone with eyes, the act is suspicious, but then again, the dwarves will never question their king.

"What are we doing?" Thorin gripes, hating how obvious her actions were. Sometimes, the king truly believes the girl forgets her brain and sense.

Endor rolls her eyes at his serious demeanor, knowing the dwarves are suspicious, but that they will not tell the king. "We need to construct a plan to minimize Bilbo's offense and violence--"

"Bilbo and violence?!" Thorin scoffs impertinently, horrified and amused by the notion of a monstrous Bilbo Baggins. The hobbit never stops using his manners, and thus, it is seemingly implausible that he'd act violent towards a friend.

"You have no idea what that ring does to him, Thorin. Just trust me on this," Endor says without humour, prompting Thorin to nod warily, not at his lack of trust in Endor, but a sudden fear of the other hobbit. "Anyway, we need a plan to see the ring, inspect it, and go."

"Can we not steal it from him? We'll give it back of course," Thorin asks, adding in the latter sentence in realization of what he may be implying to the troublesome girl.

"It's not a pretty sight when he loses that ring either. If he finds that it's gone, he'll demand that Erebor goes into a lockdown," Endor acknowledges with utter confidence in this assertion of Bilbo's insanity. She's seen it firsthand, after all.

"Then while he is sleeping?" Thorin proposes, thinking of any times of weakness for thinking creatures.

"Hmm...that might just work," Endor mutters, smirk rising as she looks at the king pleasingly. "I'm impressed Oakenshield. I didn't know you had the mischief gene in you."

"I am a king: I have to be clever," Thorin responds, though Endor suspects that he was a troublesome child in his early years. Of course, he'll never relent to this, but Thorin has that jibe about him.

Humming in agreement with the king, Endor turns to thinking over their plan to overcome the task on this stormy night. "Well, he tends to tuck in for the night around nine, so that's three hours. What shall we do until then?"

"Chess?" Thorin proposes, making Endor scrunch her nose in disagreement. To anyone but Thorin Oakenshield, the look would be unattractive. But in the eyes of the king, Endor is almost always radiant in her animated behaviors.

"No. I am horrid at that game," Endor responds, reminiscing of Kili's attempt to help her, and her ultimate and horrendous failure at that.

"Checkers?" Thorin offers again, thinking over all the traditional dwarven games available in the dining hall. With the many generations of dwarves, you'd think there'd be better options for games. But then again, dwarves tend to prefer drinking in their free time, not mind-boggling puzzles.

"Never learned," Endor mutters, never having had a desire to teach herself.

"Charades," Thorin proposes, finding irritation in her short answers and lack of help.

"That's laughable. Give me some better options," Endor remarks, smirking at the mental image of Thorin attempting to act out King Thranduil.

"Well I don't see you providing solutions, only problems," Thorin quips in the snap-back of his irritation.

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