Chapter 5 - Nobody Wants To Eat Pizza Alone

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*Carm's P.O.V.*

"Well. If you insist." I joke, and I hand Jon my phone. Mid-way through his typing, the phone buzzes again, and I mortifyingly realise Elise probably has replied with something along the lines of "Ooooh girl, you gotta get that ass." To my horror, Jon stops typing and his expression changes, at first rather puzzled, but he then laughs, and I'm not sure whether or not I should be relieved or terrified.

"I see you told your friend about this 'cute guy in the pizza shop' I wonder which one he is." he chuckles.

"Oh my god, what did Elise say?" My head is now in my hands, I can't stop my face from going bright red with embarrasment. He hands the phone back to me and I read the text:


"Well then, apparently you are a fellow called Jon Cozart." I'm awfully confused. The name rings a bell, however, Elise is acting like I should know who this is. I probably do, if someone told me what I'd know him from. But for now, I'm pulling blanks.

"Well, your friend Elise probably knows my youtube channel."

"Oh, so you're probably the one who does the acapella videos right? You sang about Aladdin being taken by the CIA?"

"That would be me."

"You have no idea how many times Elise has played Harry Potter in 99 Seconds over and over. It's insane."

"I'm glad she likes it."

"Order up - a meatlovers for Carm and a separate meatlovers for Jon?"

"Looks like that's us." he says with a grin, as he slides off his seat to collect his pizza. I do the same. We walk out the shop together, the bell jingles as we do.

"Looks like we're headed in the same direction." he comments, looking straight ahead. "How far do you live?" he asks.

"About three blocks away. I know where it is geographically but I'm still not sure of the street name."

"You don't know your own address?" he asks, rather shocked.

"Fresh off the plane, remember? I don't even have any furniture yet. Smart thinking, I know."

"Well,  you came to L.A. prepared. What brings you here anyway?"

"Acting industry isn't big enough in my home city. I wanna do movies, and while theatre is amazing, I don't want to be stuck doing it forever, you know?"

"I kinda understand, yeah. I came to L.A. for similar reasons."

"Oh, where are you from then?"


"Well. I expected all texans to sound like that guy off The Simpsons, you know, the one with the guns?" He laughs, I can't help but admire his pretty face. "Howdy partner!" I try and put on my best stereotypical Texan accent. It's way off.

"So, you act then? Which roles have you played?" He seems genuinely interested in knowing the answer.

"There's too many to name. Fifteen years of theatre."

"Sounds intense. Favourite role?"

"Maureen in Rent. Favourite high school show however, that's totally different. I was Frollo, from Hunchback of Notre Dame."

"Really? I don't believe that. You're too cute to play someone as ugly and evil as him." My cheeks flush a rosy pink. He called me cute? Take a look in the mirror, Jon.

"Magic of stage makeup. I only had a couple of days to learn the role. Someone else dropped out, I took it on and I didn't mess up. I proved alot of people wrong and honestly I even surprised myself. That's kinda where I started believing in myself." 

"Honestly, that's amazing! How did you do that? How many days?" Jon looks amazed

"Two days."

"Oh my word, that's incredible. No wonder it was your favourite role."

"Oh, that's it. That's the street right there." I point up ahead of us, and a look of recognition appears on his face.

"Cherry Tree Lane. I live about two blocks from you, looks like we're going to be pretty close."

"Well, it'll be nice to have a friend here." Jon has this carefree, upbeat and kinda chill aura around him, he's the kind of person I wouldn't mind having to be around 24/7. First person I meet in La and it's a cute boy who appears to have an interest in me, whether it's a friendly interest or romantic (I'm really, really, bad at telling the two apart) . Nevertheless the youtuber Elise has been watching over and over since Harry Potter in 99 Seconds was released. He keeps on talking, about his life in texas and his college experience - he doesn't seem to notice me admiring his face under the street lights. He's a handsome man.  Eventually, we reach the street corner. There's a street light directly above us, and we both stop and take a look at eachother. For some stupid reason, I start talking.

"Do you have anyone to eat that with?" I ask, gesturing toward the pizza box in his hands.

"Nope, I'm hopelessly alone. My brother is out at the moment, so it's just me."

"Maybe you could eat your pizza with me?" He looks rather in shock, his eyes are open wide and he looks rather clueless to say next. Oh no. Did I frighten him? Shit, I scared him, he thinks I'm asking him on a Proper Official Bona Fide Date, that wasn't what I was going for

"Uh, I meant.. i meant well.. well, since.. since we're already on my street corner, and we're both, like,  alone, I just thought -"

"Sure. I'd love to." he smiles, and although I really need to be focusing on things that aren't Mr. Jon Cozart, I suppose an evening with pizza involved isn't going to hurt, right?


Hi!!!!! I wrote a thing!!!!!!!! How do you think this is going to go? How's it going to turn out? What do you think?

Please vote if you think it's worthy, I do appreciate it.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned, there are plenty more chapters to come.

~Ellen Cozartist

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