Shine Bright like the Starlight.

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The Berlin Wall was a barrier that divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989. The wall completely cut off West Berlin from surrounding East Germany and from East Berlin until it was opened in November 1989. The wall had guard towers placed along the concrete, which circumscribed a wide area (later known as the death strip) that contained anti-vehicle trenched, 'fakir beds', and other defenses. The Eastern Bloc claimed that the wall was erected to protect its population from fascist elements conspiring to prevent the 'will of the people' in building a socialist state in East Germany. The wall served to prevent the massive emigration and defection that had marked East Germany and the Communist Eastern Bloc during the post WWII period.


"Did you actually just kill a dragon?" Dominic asked me, as soon as we felt the solid ground on our feet. Did I actually just kill a dragon, because I don't even know.

"Does making it explode into a billion snowflakes count?" I asked, starting to look around. As usual- different place. But it looked more modern, compared to Halifax, anyway. We were in the middle of a field, the grass so tall I could barely see over it, which wasn't really a problem for Dominic or Raymond, but Holly couldn't see over it unless she tip-toed.

"Where do you think we are?" Holly asked. "Home? I know I would eat anything right now- I don't think we got any of those cookies Paul promised us."

Raymond frowned. "We didn't, did we?" He started walking through the rows of grass, I didn't even think he knew where he was going. "But I don't think that's the biggest problem here. Where and when do you think we are?"

Holly groaned. "Don't you dare ever say that again, Johnson, or I might just tear my ears out."

I sighed. "While you two bicker like 3 year old's wanting a toy from Walmart, Dominic and I will just go the other direction, and follow the sounds of...well, everything."

Me and Dominic started walking in the other direction from them, because unlike them we actually listened and looked around, seeing that there was music coming from the direction Raymond decided wasn't the direction we should go in to find any other life-forms.

And I'm not the smart one in the group?

"W-well I mean," Raymond stuttered, turning around to follow us. "We w-were only here f-for 10 s-seconds."

"Yeah, yeah, excuses, excuses." I chuckled. Raymond doesn't like being wrong that often.

Once we got to the actual city, I was über happy to see that we weren't suddenly in the Dark Ages— in fact, there were people on skateboards, so I already knew Holly would love it here.

I could already hear the chatter now:

Raymond; "No way, they have backyard pools? But, why are they boarded up..." Dominic; "Nah, they can't have those haircuts!" Holly; "Do you think Comic-con is around here somewhere?" Me; "Do you guys even notice the effing watch towers?"

Yeah, first it was cowardly gladiators, then it was all-you-can-swim, followed by a Satanic version of Aladdin, with a hint of How to train your Dragon. But, out of everything...

Why did we now have to be cosplaying as science rats?

Since it was the middle of the night, no one was really outside, which surprised me, seeing as during a night like this where I grew up, people were basically snowflake during a storm. There were plenty of stars out that they illuminated the city just perfectly, so I could finally say I know what my aesthetic is.

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