Do It Like A Dude

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All my works are copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs, and Parents Act 1988. This includes all chapters, prologues/epilogues and associated content.(i.e fanfics, teasers, and content with blogs, social networks and eReaders) Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution, or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of Copyright. Any infringement of this Copyright is punishable by law.

Gazing at the score board, I had a feeling of someone watching me. I looked around but no one was was there. Something caught my attention ; a figure walking through the shadows of the dark alley and being curious, I followed it .

"Who's there?" I asked looking around, clutching my gun. A noise came from my left making me quickly whip my head, but yet again, saw no one.

Another noise came from my right side, but this time I took out my gun just in case something bad happened.

I gasped in surprise feeling a person's presence behind me. I turned around and my eyes widened seeing who it was.

 He leaned forward and blew a hot breath on my ear.

"You're screwed." He stated before disappearing through the thin night air.

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