(14)Do It Like A Dude

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  • Dedicated to Sabina (fashion-lady) and Caroline (CarolRezk) my best friends for reading this

CH. 14

Do It Like A Dude

Skylar’s P.O.V.

Wow he looks like a bull fuming ready to kill. I smiled smugly at him which only made him madder.

I pretended to be surprised and put a hand on my heart.

“Oh my Prince Raidon! What happened to you?” I fake gasped and I heard the guys chuckle. I looked at them and grinned from ear to ear. Drew was trying to hold in his laughter but failed miserably.

“I ask you to bring me food and you bring me that garbage?” He hissed through narrowed eyes and I glared. I’m sure everyone in the cafeteria is watching right now. I looked down at his hand and saw that he had the tray with him.

“What garbage?” I asked innocently looking at him straight in the eyes and he growled.

“THIS GARBAGE.” He roared and I kicked my chair and stood up getting really mad. Who the hell does he think he is to talk to me like that?

I took a dangerous step closer to and leaned forward. “If you talk to me like that ever again I will kick you in the family jewels so you won’t be able to reproduce got it?” I said in a low but dangerous voice and saw surprise flash through his eyes but he covered it by smirking.

He leaned closer and whispered “You’re in no place to say that. Remember that I know who you are Speed.” I froze when he said that name afraid anyone might hear him but he continued “You will do as I say with no buts, got it?” He asked but didn’t really need an answer.

He stood up straight and grinned “See you at MY house tonight Skylar.” He sneered cockily and turned around. I scowled but suddenly a great idea came in mind.

I turned around to look at the guys with evilness in my eyes and Tom chuckled and Drew nodded. I looked at Ryder and saw him looking at me with a gleam in his eyes. I looked at his food and he directly knew that I’m going to use his food as a weapon.

WHAT? HE BOUGHT A BURGER with fries AND spaghetti.

I smiled at him sweetly using my always effective puppy dog eyes that no one can resist. He huffed and rolled his eyes but passed me his food but without saying “You owe me.” I rolled my eyes at his statement but nodded seeing I don’t have a choice.

Guys! I mentally rolled my eyes. They can really be pigs sometimes.

I grinned and took the spaghetti plate from Ryder and held it behind my back. I turned around and saw that Raidon was talking with Chastity, the biggest WH*re in school a few feet away.

I smirked seeing that it was an easy target because he wasn’t far in front.  I took a few steps forward till I was a few meters behind Raidon.

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