(37)Do It Like A Dude

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Birthday is Tomorrow ! YAY! I can't really believe that my b-day is tomorrow ! hehe ! well I uploaded this chapter and here comes the real action ! Okay so I just wanted to tell you that... POOR CAIN! All of you wanna beat his ass ! DAMN MAN!

 I wanna thankyou all for the comments , they make my day ! Well please vote on this one. Thankyou guys ! I <3 U !

Read On!



Do It Like A Dude

Cain’s P.O.V

I walked down the dark alley till I reached the abandoned warehouse. When I called the police to tell them about the street racers and gangs, I asked someone about the four people that were in the front. Of course, the guy was so dumb that he quickly answered me by ‘The Slayers’ gang that Skylar was in. After a few more questions, I knew that most of the gangs hate them because they have everyone under their control.

I opened the warehouse door that made some noise and stepped inside to see all the gangs inside. I swallowed and took a few steps inside and all heads snapped towards me. I’m not going to lie but I’m scared like shit right now.

I tried to compose my facial expressions so they don’t realize I’m scared, hell who wouldn’t be? I’m walking into a warehouse full of the most dangerous gangs with no back up or anyone. The one sitting in the middle of the warehouse ushered me to sit in front of him.

I put my hands in my jean pockets and walked forward sitting on the chair. Around me sat all of the other gang leaders and I crossed my arms, if I didn’t convince them to turn over ‘The Slayers’ I’m toasted.

“Are you telling the truth?” asked the first gang leader and I nodded swallowing difficultly before answering.

“Yes, the leader of ‘The Slayers’ gang who’s called Speed is having a lot of trouble and is at the spot weak, so right now it’s your only chance to destroy him.” I answered looking at the leader in front of me in the eye.

He was a little taller than me and had dark black hair. He was wearing big sunglasses so I couldn’t really see his eyes but I knew that he was dangerous. There was an aura around him that screamed ‘Danger’ all over.

Everything he was wearing was either black or leather, the same as every other member in the warehouse. He looked deep in thought but his eyes but the same fire I saw when I entered. He looked at the other gang leaders surrounding him and nodded.

He looked back up to me and I couldn’t help but gulp making him smirk. His smirk was menacing and I looked at the other gang leaders who were looking at me with the same expression. Finally, they all stood up and I stood up with them.

The gang leader that I was talking to and was also named ‘Massacre’ stood in front of me and my fear increased. “Welcome to our gang ‘Sharp’” He said and I nodded a serious look on my face.

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