(10)Do It Like A Dude

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Do It Like A Dude

Skylar’s P.O.V.

“Oh Speed how about we go and have a little fun?” A slut licked my neck and I nearly gagged. Eeeew. I looked at the guys for help but they were looking at me trying to contain their laughter. I glared  at the desperate cow who was throwing herself at me.

“Fuck off.” I spat and looked at the race that was happening between the Dark Blood and the phantom riders. The slut pouted and went to Tom who wrapped his arm around her waist while his other arm was wrapped around a girl’s shoulder.


Someone slapped me one the back but I remained my posture. “Some are thinking that you’re starting to like dudes Speed.” Ryder said standing next to me with his arms crossed watching the race.

I rolled my eyes knowing that I couldn’t talk about it here. The race finished saying that Sharp from the phantom riders won. Ryder was up next versus Slash.

“Wish me luck.” Ryder said and got in his car. Ryder may quiet and not so scary in real life but when he races, everyone should be scared of him.

The flag went down and Ryder flew, literally. Ryder was in the lead and everyone cheered. Being the bad boys, and girls we are we got through the police security cameras and attached them here. You may think that it’s impossible to go through San Diego’s street cameras but for us it’s easy. How we got through them? Well Ryder is a genius; he’s probably Einstein but of course better looking than him. No one wants to look like they just got shocked by static electricity.

Slash and Ryder a.k.a. Blade were near the finish line. Slash was in control but then Blade stepped on the gas pedal and crossed the finish line ahead of Slash.  A loud cheer erupted from the crowd and Blade walked out of the car with his hands in his pockets acting as if it was nothing. Arrogant son of a bitch I thought to myself. I smirked nonetheless. His performance had been impressive.

At the corner of my eyes I saw Blaze walking this way and I froze. What does that douche want?

Tom and Drew congratulated Ryder for the win and Ryder smiled.

Someone coughed and all the guys including me turned to see who it is. None other than Blaze and his gang. I glared but he didn’t seem fazed.

“What do you want Blaze?” I spat toughing up my act and of course as always using my ‘Manly’ voice.

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