(17)Do It Like A Dude

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Do It Like A Dude

"Take that Loser!" I screamed and the three losers over there groaned.

"Rematch." Demanded Chase and I shook my head.

"Accept that a girl beat you asses' fellas, cause your LOSERS" I sang doing a happy dance and the others groaned again.

Chase had his hands in his hair and was ripping them out. Luke was rubbing his temples not believing that I, a girl beat his ass. Steve was looking at us confused not knowing what happened. As you may know, we've been playing Xbox for the past couple of hours. I think my eyes are probably red by now because I'm the one sitting right in front of the screen. Awesome huh?

"What's going on?" asked a voice I dreaded since I came here.

I turned around and looked at pig face himself, nice nickname huh?

"Uh nothing man we were just discussing something related to" Chad paused "... History" I cocked an eyebrow holding my smile. History? Out of all subjects you HAD to choose history? I mean come on who likes history?

Me? I don't think so and trust me Chad doesn't look like the smart or the study type of guy, more like Tom, a man-whore.

"Out of all other things man you had to choose history?" Luke hissed and I chuckled. Same here bro!

To let you say I learned a lot about the guys. Luke is a total flirt, and by total I do mean total. When we first entered the game room he started saying that we'd have a fun time in his room but me being me shut him down making the others laugh.

Chad... Chad oh man. When you first meet Chad you think that he's a man-whore which is true by the way but when you spend sometime with him he's actually great to spend your time with.

Steve is the mature one. THANK GOD finally someone who ISN'T a flirt. He reminds me of Ryder a lot, his personality and appearance along with everything else. I think the guys would make a really good team with Tom, Ryder and Drew.

You know, to think about it I don't really want them to get along seeing that both of my guys and two of these guys are flirts and don't really have any brains.

"Does anyone have a reasonable explanation to what's happening here?"

Raidon leaned on the door framed crossing his arms and making his muscled flex which in return made me drool.


"The guys won't admit that I kicked their derrière in Xbox." I grinned and the guys growled.

"You totally cheated" said Chad and I rolled my eyes. Is it that humiliating to loose for a girl in Xbox? Well to all the guys out there girls RUN THE WORLD baby!

"That's why you were screaming and yelling at one another?"Snorted Raidon and I growled. What the hell is wrong with him?

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