(27)Do It Like A Dude

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Something beeped and I looked around searching for the source to see a big door open. I opened the door and gasped, guns from all kinds hanged there.

Why would he need…?

Then it clicked the secret room… The leather jackets… The Phantom Graffiti on the wall…The secret pathway… The cars… The Riders Graffiti…The guns.

“Where the hell did she go, I told her not to go anywhere but she…” Someone hissed and I heard footsteps coming this way.

I turned around and Raidon stopped in his tracks shocked but slightly scared.

I glared, all this time he was lying to me.


Do It Like A Dude

Raidon’s P.O.V.

Where the hell did she go? I told her not to do anything, yet she wanders around doing the exact opposite.

Can this girl be more pain in the ass...? Don’t answer that!

I sighed and rubbed my temples. I know something bad is going to happen, I just feel it.

First, I went to the living room expecting her to be there but unfortunately that brat wasn’t. I looked around the garden, still nothing. Then I went and searched the kitchen, gym and game room but I didn’t find her.

Where did she go?

“Skylar?” I shouted and my voice echoed through the entire house but there was no answer.

I feel like I’m in a freaking horror movie, you know when the character opens the door of a haunted house and asks ‘is anybody there?’ If you ask me it pretty cliché. Fortunately this isn’t a haunted house so no monster will come out and kill me.

I shoved my phone into my pocket and growled. Where could she be?

I left her for 5 minutes expecting her remain where she is but no… Skylar has to be an arrogant b-tch and ignore everything I say.

Damn her, all the guys in our school say she’s hot and all that shit but trust me if they talk to her she would scare them away. The thought of them thinking of her that way disgust me, but hey I’m not any better.

 I bet the guys would cover their family jewels every time she walks by-ha that would be a sight to see.

 I opened the dining room door but didn’t see her. I cursed under my breath closing the door then walking down the hall. Each wall had a different color, blue, red, black, yellow, golden, pink, green and many more.

Sometimes I think that I’m in a circus.  

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