(1)Do It Like A Dude

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Chapter 1

"SPEED...SPEED...SPEED...SPEED...SPEED" The crowd chanted loudly. The moment I opened the door of my brand new black lexus ls, I knew all the attention was on me.

 I made my way through the hectic crowd to reach Ryder, Tom and Drew –my home boys. We have been the best of friends since kindergarten, doing each and everything together. They had their arms folded over their chests, their eyes focused on me.

 Of course with them being the bad boys of the city, all the girls were surrounding them.

Tom was the first to do the 'manly hand shake' with me and all the others followed suit.

"Yo Speed where were ya dude?" Drew asked.

It's time to put my manly voice in action.

I shrugged my shoulders as if it wasn't important and replied in a deep voice "Nothin important."

Before anything, let me introduce you to my gang. Ryder Parker known as Blade has dirty blond hair, wide baby blue eyes and stood at 6 '2. Tom Meyer or Thunder has black cornrows, warm brown eyes, high cheekbones, and stood at 6 '3. Drew Young known as Hunter has short brown hair, big brown eyes, and was 6 '1. They all had a godlike muscular frame.  

Last but not least there's me, Skylar Brown, also known as Speed. My blonde hair is cut short to my shoulders, my eyes the darkest shade of blue; As for my frame, I stand at 5'7.  I'm tall with respect to girls'average height, and even my body is stacked with muscles, but of course not as much the guys. 

Yeah you heard it right, a girl and a really young oneThat's another thing to why we shouldn't let people know our true identity. I'm eighteen along with the rest of the guys and we attend San Diego High School. In school I am a normal teenage girl that hangs out with my boys.

We are the rulers of the school, well there's also Raidon Knight and his crew but that's a story for another time. Let's just say we don't get along pretty well. Anyway, let us go back to street racing.

In the street racing world, guys think that if you're a girl, you're simply no more than a toy or  pet as they call them. Men play with you then throw you away like some sort of trash when they're done. Most of the girls that come to the races are gang pets. Not to mention the nasty things they wear.

 Nobody knows I'm a girl except for Drew, Tom and Ryder. They think it's hilarious that a girl like me could beat a guy's ass in any street race.

At midnight most San Diego gangs participate in the races and bet on them. Till now we are the best but of course being the best means having enemies. 

The Phantom Riders are our number one enemy. We always compete against them and never one did any of us win, we always end up with a tie.  Their leader, Blaze, is my number one enemy. He's an arrogant son of a gun that doesn't know his limits.

We are called The Slayers and are feared throughout San Diego. We always have our black glasses on to cover our eyes, and we also dress in black. Unlike the rest of the gang, I wear a black boy cut wig. To be honest, black goes great with the color of my eyes which is why I chose the color in the first place.

 We'd anything to hide our identity so we don't get caught. Thinking of why? Well all of our dads are well known business men so if they find out that their kids are street racing, they would have our heads on a platter, literally.  

Every week two races take place in San Diego, north California. Not wanting the cops to find out about our racing arena, we decided that two races per week is best. And tonight, The Slayers' and The Phantom Riders' leaders compete, meaning Raidon and I.

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