Chapter 12: What A Great Way to Start the Day

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Me: Hey guys! So like, I want to clarify something. When I type 'students' it means every student including the good ones who didn't bully Tsuna. They are only excluded with that label if the bad students are being tortured.


~The next day~

It was five in the morning and everyone except the Vongola group are sleeping soundly.


Everyone jumped, shocked at the sudden noise before falling asleep again, assuming that something useless had happened.


Now, everyone went outside, curious and annoyed at the source of the noise. When they got to the origin of their annoyance, however, they were shocked when they saw the Vongola group already outside, looking freshen up and chatting all the while. When they noticed the students, they quieted down and faced front. The students were curious at what they were looking at and approached, surprised to see Boreen who had a watch with him. Boreen looked at the students and glared, causing shivers to their spines.

"You're five minutes late." he said, causing the students to be confused.

"Late?" Hideo asked, confused. "In what, Boreen-san?"

Reborn glared at him. "Didn't you hear my announcement yesterday at eleven? I told you all that you should be here in the lawn at exactly 5 A.M."

"To do what?" Isao said with a yawn.

"Sigh." Reborn sighed, acting as if he was frustrated at their incompetence when he knew that it was his fault for saying it softly while everyone was heading to their rooms to sleep. "As I said yesterday, starting today, we will teach you like how all the Vongola bosses trained."

'Lies.' all of the Vongola people thought.

'Amazing!' all of the students thought.

"So we'll be experiencing the Vongola bosses' lifestyle?" Miyu asked, imagining all the fancy and extravagant things they do.

"Yes." Reborn smirked, knowing exactly what she and all the other students are thinking.

"Cool!" Kaito said excitedly. "Let's start!"

"Sure." Reborn said and pointed at the left where a huge pile of 40 ton wheel connected to a string lay.

"Grab two of those and place them on your ankles, one for each foot." Reborn ordered, everyone wondering why but still doing it. One by one, people started to curse and complain about how heavy it is, only to be silenced when they saw Tsuna and his group walking towards Reborn with the wheels tied to them (including the girls).

"Dame-Tsuna!" shouted Xander as he marched towards Tsuna. "Give me your wheels. After all, you must have taken the lightest ones."

Tsuna smirked before hiding it. "Sure, Xander, here!" 

He untied the wheels from his ankles and gave it to him, almost laughing when Xander immediately fell to the ground. 

'Fool.' Tsuna thought. 'I took the heaviest ones cause I know someone will do this to me.'

"Are you okay?" Tsuna asked with a mocking tone. "I'll get my wheels back, okay?"

Xander didn't say anything, only going back to the others to grab another pair, embarrassed beyond belief.

After a while, everyone finally reached Reborn, sweating as if they were in a desert without any water.

"Now." Reborn said. "I want you all to run around the house fifty times within one hour. If you fail to do so, you will be punished."

"W-what's the punishment?" Takao asked, causing Reborn to smirk.

"Glad you asked!" he exclaimed. "You will run another twenty laps with increased weights."

Everyone paled, vowing to do their hardest to not suffer more then they should.

"Now then, start!" Reborn said and everyone began to run like someone was chasing after them.

"Why are you only watching, Nezu?" Reborn asked and went to grab another pair of wheels before attaching it to his feet. "You're included."

Nezu shrieked a little before running, crying all the while as his bones started to hurt due to old age. 


As the Vongola group expected, when the one hour was up, only they were able to finish it. Everyone else was only able to finish five to ten laps.

Reborn looked at the students and teacher disappointingly.

"Since today is your first day, I'm giving all of you until eight to finish the laps. If you are not in the dining room by eight, you will not be able to eat breakfast and have to patiently wait for lunch. Those who are finished now, on the other hand, can go anywhere they want until eight."

The students and teacher groaned despairingly while the Vongola group smiled, walking away as they talked on what they will do as they still had two hours left.

"Wait!" Ren exclaimed, pointing at the Vongola group. "How do we know that they are truthful and not lying about finishing this torture?! I mean, dame-Tsuna is always last in P.E. Do you expect me to believe that he finished this when the most athletic classmates of ours cannot?!"

Because of Ren, voices of doubt and disbelief started echoing over the once quiet lawn. Words of insults towards Tsuna sounded. The Vongola group and Reborn were ticked but Tsuna was calm so they could only watch in anger as they kept voicing out their thoughts. However, when the attention shifted towards the others (namely, Emma, Kyoko, Haru, and Chrome), Tsuna's patience was quick to snap. After all, he is quite protective towards those he considers family. 

"Shut up you idiotic, moronic, no-brain of an ape!" Tsuna exploded with a glare, sending them waves of fear. The students didn't know why but it felt like they were being suffocated; it was like someone was trying to hang them but didn't do it properly - resulting in their sufferings because they could breathe but every breath they took just chokes them more. 

"I-" Tsuna cut off any of Ren's rebuttal, anger flashing in his orange (when have they been orange? They have always been brown) eyes.

"Did I permit you to speak?" Tsuna asked darkly. "You're lucky that I didn't kill you because you dare breathe in my face."

Everyone, even the Vongola people, got goosebumps. Did Tsuna just say that they were lucky to be able to breathe in front of him?

"Tsuna." Reborn said quietly. However, because the lawn was already quiet, everyone could hear him.

Tsuna took a deep breath with closed eyes. "I know."

Tsuna opened his eyes again (it was the familiar brown) and the students suddenly stopped feeling the pressure. 

"Let's go, everyone." Tsuna said and every Vongola person walked with him quietly, leaving the students to stare at his back with fear.

"Chop, chop, slowpokes." Reborn suddenly said. "You only have one hour and forty-five minutes before breakfast."

Everyone panicked and started running, the scene a while ago left out in their minds.

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