Making up.

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LJ: You and LJ had already pretty much made up so lets just throw in some cute fluffy shit here. Lj threw on the movie IT, a horror classic, and you kept jumping and started getting scared, so he hugged you and nuzzled your neck. "Oh Y/n, I would never let any other clown near you, don't worry." And for that cute second, the horrible throbbing pain in your bandaged foot went away. Just for a second though, then it was back. 

Jeff the killer: Your thigh ached, painful. Fuck. You and Jeff had made up, but you were still kind of pissed, as expected when someone drives a knife into your thigh. You scrolled through your tumblr for a little before Jeff came into the room. Without looking up you just say aloud "If you're here to stab me again, please, fuckoff ya twat." You could be a little grouchy, but then Jeff cleared his throat. He had flowers and a card that said 'Sorry I stabbed you' ..Where did he even find a card like that? The fuck?? Either way, you two made up and spent the night watching Doctor Who

Masky: You sat on the couch picking at your cast. You were a little pissed, you had to lie and say you fell off a swing funny, mostly so Masky wouldn't get in shit for abuse, he wasn't an abuser, he just needed to find a better way to discuss you eating more. "I am sorry." He said, he just showed up out of mid air more or less. "I'M SORRY." He repeated loudly. "I'm sorry." He kept saying it. "Stop saying it." You finally spoke to him, ever since a week ago when you got this god forsaken cast you haven't spoken a word to him.       "I'm sorry."         "Just shut up."         "Not until you accept my apology."            "I accept, now fuck off, I worry you'll break my other arm."             "I am sorry."         "Stop it, Masky, I swear to god."        "Sorry.."         You finally rolled your eyes and kissed his cheek, "Apology accepted."

Ben: Fluffy bc you guys made up. 

You and Ben were sitting your bed watching netflix. You leaned back and laid on your bed and sighed lightly, you felt kind of drained at the moment. Ben leaned back with you and soothed the side of your face. "You look beautiful from this angle." "Huh?" "You know, flat on the bed with me." He winked and you hit him lightly with a pillow and giggled. 

Hoodie: You hadn't gone to the park in a week, avoiding Hoodie was pretty shallow, but he really hurt your feelings. You were up at midnight thanks to insomniac habits, watching netflix on your laptop. All of a sudden you felt a presence in the room, ignoring it, you assumed it was Hoodie. Sure enough he sat next to you on the bed and rubbed your shoulder, "I'm sorry I was a little insensitive." You looked at him and moved your hand as to say Annnd? "And I'm sorry I was being a massive twat." He sighed and then you smiled. "I know." 

Toby: He had been stalking you, you had been staying in your old friends house for a little while now, avoiding him. Even locking up the house to keep him out, although the whole him sulking in the rain while watching you at night was kind of romantic, in a creepy way, you weren't going to forgive him. Although one night your housemate left the door unlocked and he got in, he whined at you he was sorry. Honestly after all his creepy romance antics, you just felt the need to take him back like this was some kind of fan fic written by a 16 year old boy or something. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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