Nature & Adventure

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nature gives me a sense of purpose
when I'm alone in the dark with nothing
but the moonlight to guide me.
I am at ease when I feel my own heart beat
and listen to the steady chirp of the crickets,
the crunching of gravel with every step I take
and small crackle of the branches.
I live for this adrenaline rush,
I live for the moon and the sun.

but this feeling isn't enough.

I want to be loved..
I want you, I want us.
this lack of sleep is for you,
this smile is because of you
...what more can I say other than I am yours?
and by that I mean you have my heart,
for I belong to the stars and my mother of a moon.
I belong to no one but nature,
I seek what I crave and that is adventure.
I see what I want and that is fantasy.
if you understand that this is me and want
to hold my hand and walk through this with me,
then I will give you my all.
it's as simple as that.


have a nice day! I love you all. be kind, be strong, stay amazing!
thanks for reading! (I have a new book of quotes, check it out please)
I really hope this small poem made sense hahaha ((:

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