p a t h e t i c

31 1 0

I don't know what's wrong with me.
I promised myself I'd wait for someone who understands
but I want you. it's too early, I know.
I think of you often and it breaks me to know
that I lose you everyday I'm not with you.
each day becoming longer than the next.
I saw a picture of you today.
I looked through your friends and such
..you're not the kind of person I expected you to be.
I don't even care about stupid things like looks,
I care about you. but you'll never see me in that light
nor will you give me the time of day...
so I sit here and pity my own existence.
I listen to the video of you playing drums
and I cry. my heartbeat is probably that loud
when we're together.. but that's a beat you'll
n e v e r appreciate. it's days like this
I wish to die. it's pathetic, I know
...but so am I. oh my.


I don't even know anymore.. *sighs*
it's sucks that I can't simply 'make him'
miss me the way I miss him..

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