who i am vs who i want to be

24 3 0

I am a wilted wallflower.
I am often quiet but loud at times
I am a writer, I am better at complaining
I am used to being used and lied to.
I am unconfident and unstable,
I am a sad little girl
in a sad w o r l d.

I want to be like the girls
in the magazines, I want to be a size zero,
with a f l a t stomach. I want to be pretty
because apparently, without good looks,
you're n o t h i n g.

but I can't be all
the things that are expected of me..
I am imperfect and I have 'fat lumps'
and stretch marks and I am
what society labels as 'ugly'


I can't be honest with myself and
I most definitely cannot be honest with you.
I wish I could believe my o w n lies..

I want pretty and I want it now.


nearly 3k!?1! omg thaaanks:}

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