Goodbye, my afternoon muse.

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Thursday - April 14th 2016

to my Matty.

I'm gonna miss looking up at the popcorn ceiling and the way it would move in sync with my breathing when I was beyond anxious. I'm gonna miss watching the rain fall down my window, as if the droplets were friends racing. I'm gonna miss all these fake friends of mine and how they came and went, much like the tides.

I'm gonna miss the adrenaline sting that filled my body as I ran, although my troubles caught up, if not, beat me. I'm gonna miss missing things... and though this is the wrongest possible timing, yes, that letter was about you. Silly me, I forgot your brown eyes belonged to someone else.

thank you, for letting me forget about the world, for as long as you could. I'll still be here for you, only in a different way. I'm glad your smile found a place to call home.


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