A Lonely Heart

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Alec lingers, like a haunting ghost, in places that held such treasured memories for him. Memories that would always rein over his heart with a longing that he knew could very well never be fulfilled. Memories of her

Places such as the top of the lighthouse, where he had first seen her, falling from the heavens, shrouded in rain and illuminated by brief flashes of brilliant lightning. 

Places like the old forge, where he had learned her secret, a secret that he had kept to this very day, and would keep long after he was to be sent to his grave. Alec had been told of her misery, of the pain she had experienced. 

Who is she? She is Alana, the  Chaste-Seraph. The only  Chaste-Seraph to ever rise after being cast from her angelic beauty. A Fallen Angel. 

Not only was Alana absolutely entrancing, with an unnatural beauty and grace, but she was charming in a way that only one who had met the woman in person could understand. 

Alec had found her, that fateful night, and brought her back to his house, just past the lighthouse, and had helped treat the long, deep gashed that had existed between her shoulder blades and her spine. 

After a month of anxiety, Alana finally was aroused from her coma- like state, and soon her and Alec grew close enough for her to share her identity with him. 

Alec, being the son of a now long dead blacksmith, vowed to himself that he would help Alana fly again. True to his word, Alec used the rare metal, Amarithium, that had been his only inheritance from his father, to make new wings for the woman that he had fallen in love with. 

But, true to her Seraphic nature, Alana had been bound by her angelic blood to leave him, despite her equally passionate, though less understood feelings for Alec. 

Since that heart wrenching day, Alec has never fallen in love again, and would continue through his life in a haze. Constantly his thoughts where targeted at Alana, repeatedly replaying the memories; teaching her to speak, gaining her trust, seeing her fly for the first time.

And, perhaps his most treasured, yet painful memory, the first, and only, kiss he had gotten from Alana, and the blessing that often felt more like a curse. 

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