The Rain Goes

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The thunder wracks the sky,the lightning brightening the dark scene in brief flashes, and the rain falling in an almost melodious rat-a-tat rhythm, rebelling from the sky to land on the jagged rocks of the shore line. 

Alana, despite her being used to the wonders of the angelic world, stared in awe alongside Alec and Heira, watching the storm that was now present in the once translucent blue sky. 

The strange force that had been holding Dalfon aloft drops with the next crack of lightening, sending him plummeting towards the Earth. Heira's breath catches in her throat, anxiety for the angel coursing through her. Alana and Alec, on the other hand, had seen the heart-stopping acrobatics that often graced a Seraph's flight. 

With a gasp of excitement and awe, Heira watches as Dalfon's wings snap open, slowing his fall and catching the glistening raindrops. As he twirls and soars through the rain towards the ground, the storm slowly abates and the rain fall calms, reduced to a mass of angry clouds swirling with pent up energy. 

When Dalfon lands a few feet in front of the watching admirers, one last roll of thunder shakes the sky before the clouds start to disperse, fading into strange wisps of smoke before disappearing completely. 

"Oh that was just splendid! Wondrous! Magical!" Heira gushes while Dalfon folds his wings and chuckles. Heira continues to shower him in compliments, absolutely amazed by his performance.

Meanwhile, Alec turns to Alana, "You know some powerful people Alana." 

She gives him a wry smile, "Indeed, and thankfully so." 

Dalfon, hearing the two over Heira's rambling, says, "Does this mean that you'll accept my help, then?"

Alec and Heira both look at the Seraph in shock. 

Alana replies to Dalfon, "Yes, it does. We don't have room to deny it." 

"Why," Heira says in a breathy tone, "when did you learn English Dalfon?" 

Alec takes Alana's arm, calling over his shoulder as he walks back towards the house, "Come on mother. Don't flirt with the poor angel." 

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