Better off Dead?

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Alec, no longer able to contain his amusement, clutches his stomach as he laughs, earning an amused look from Alana.

Alana, being slightly more sympathetic to the woman than Alec, props her up on the couch and asks, "When do you think she will wake-" 

"Get away from me you monster!" Heira shrieks, suddenly animated and flailing her arms. Alec's laughter intensifies to the point of bringing tears to his eyes.

"And stop that indecent racket!" Heira brushes her hands over her shirt, as if to clear herself of some invisible dirt. Alec wipes the tears of laughter from his eyes, a grin still stretched across his face. 

Alana takes a few steps back from the woman, still amused by her reaction, "I apologize my lady." 

Alec questions Alana's use of 'my lady' for a moment, but understanding quickly when Heira places a hand to her chest and looks at Alana in a new light. 

"Why thank you, young lady." Heira says, the gratitude in her voice obvious, "Pray tell me, dear, what is your name?" 

Alec shakes his head in wonder as he watches the exchange between two so very different women. 

By the time they had parted to sleep, Alana promising to explain everything to Heira, and Alec by default, in the morning, Heira seemed to have a new, motherly perspective toward Alana. 

As they where walking back to the room they would be sleeping in, Heira stops Alec with a hand on his arm and says, "That is a fine young lady, my son. You'd do well to hold on to her." 

For once in his life, Alec did not correct her use of son, and instead gave her a warm, rare smile and replied, "I plan to."

Alana, having over heard the exchange, was very pleased with the over all situation. 

That is, until she remembers her reason for returning. 

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