Chapter 1- Who Knew Biology Books Were Lethal?

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Thank you potatohead69 for the amazing cover

I'll never be able to thank you enough.

Chapter 1- Who Knew Biology Books Were Lethal?

"So you're getting a step-dad?" 

"And that dog. The full package. They've already moved in." He added bitterly. I bit my lip, thinking of what to say next. He's upset! The voice in my head screamed at me. Comfort him! 

"I thought you had dinner with him a while back. That wasn't so bad, was it?" I left awkward pauses between the words. I was in utter turmoil, over a phone conversation.  

Alex sighed, exasperated. I cringed, realising that wasn't the best thing to say. 

"I didn't think they were going to get married though. I thought, yeah, they were dating but they would break up soon enough. It didn't seem serious. Well, not at the time anyway." 

Silence. I had no idea what to say. Should I try and make him laugh? Should I tell him to 'look on the Brightside!'? How do I even comfort him?  

"Maybe,"- I licked my lips, my brain whirring rapidly- "maybe it won't be so bad." 

"Yeah. Maybe." He didn't sound convinced but sounded more along the lines of borderline sarcastic. "Anyway. I've got to go. I promised Dan I'd babysit his sister. 

Liar. Dan didn't even have a sister. Not to mention Alex had a phobia of kids under the age of 5. 

"Listen, I can't pick you up tomorrow or Tuesday 'coz-" He started. 

"No that's fine." I cut him off. I didn't want him to feel like he owed me an explanation. After all, it was his car. "Back to normal by Wednesday though, right?" I said. 


"Cool, See you at school." I replied tentatively.

The phone buzzed and I dropped it onto my soft duvet. I let my head drop onto the fluffy pillow and groaned loudly. Honestly, I was pathetic. I couldn't even console my goldfish, let alone my best friend. I felt bad, not being able to be a better friend. Why did I have to be so damn awkward?  

I rolled around facing upwards and stared at the ceiling. Helen and George divorced each other when Alex was 11. George was a good father but they both agreed to separate. It was a mutual agreement but one that scarred Alex nonetheless. I knew he still missed his father, despite the phone calls and occasional visits. I guess Alex had always hoped for his parents' reconciliation but now with his mother remarrying... I couldn't begin to imagine how Alex was feeling at the moment. 

I closed my eyes easing the pounding in my head. If only everyone had amazing 'movie-star' love. If only love lasted. I snorted. If only. 


I opened my eyes, the pounding now non-existent. I turned my head to the right and winced as I realised I had a crick in my neck. I promised myself to never sleep like that again. But you will, replied the voice in my head that was always right. God, how I hated that voice. 

I glanced at my clock resting on my bedside table. 6.59 AM. Perfect. I smiled to myself stretching my arms and arching my back. Feeling a new found sensation of refreshment, I headed towards the bathroom. 

Waking up in the morning wasn't always a chore. There were good days and bad days. Fortunately for me, today was a good day which was quite unusual seeing as it was a Monday. Monday being mankind's ultimate weakness. Standing underneath the shower I anticipated my day. I would be changed and nourished within the hour and I would arrive at college at precisely 8.20AM. Maybe 8.19AM. I would walk to my first lesson painfully slowly with Chanel after a chat with Alex. 8.45 would be our 15 minute registration. 9.00 and onwards, would be our lessons. Lunch would be from 12 till 1. My last lesson would end at 2 PM. I promised to hang out with Chanel after school so I wouldn't be home till at least 7. Knowing Chanel, probably 8. I smiled again. Everything was in order. I exited the shower tightly, wrapping my fuzzy fuchsia towel around me. I checked the time again. 7.20. Excellent.  

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