Chapter 16- Oblivious to the Obvious

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Chapter 16- Oblivious to the Obvious

I didn't know what to think!

Aiden, Aiden, Aiden! I couldn't get him out of my mind. I couldn't stop smiling either. Every time I would try and stop, my mouth would stretch back into a huge grin and I'd get the best fluttering sensation in my stomach. I felt like a young teenager who had just experienced her very first kiss. All fluffy and hopeful.

I stared at my ceiling with shining eyes and closed them for a moment, savouring the feeling.

I could feel his freezing hand clutching at my waist with his pinky just managing to make contact with a sliver of skin that was exposed at my side. His other hand was on my neck, cold and hot at the same time, gently stroking the bottom of my cheek. I had my own hands enclosed around his neck with our wet clothes pressed against each other. I could smell the scent of his baby shampoo and even the woodsy smell of the forest. I was shaking but not because of the cold. If anything, I felt as if I was burning but in the best way possible.

His lips were soft against my own but rough at the same time. He didn't press hard or attack my lips. He was delicate and slow, so Aiden and so not Aiden at the same time. He didn't press me further with his tongue or try and deepen the kiss. Instead he pulled away and kissed me again, a lingering and unmoving kiss that sent shivers down my spine.

"Aiden..." I whispered breathily, eyes closed.

Aiden laughed, his voice low. "Zoe..." He replied huskily, sounding a lot like a moan.

My eyes snapped open as I blushed a deep red and Aiden laughed again, kissing my cheek.

He pulled away, squeezing my waist as he left the house and out into the rain. Before he did leave though, he smiled his heart lurching smile and promised more kisses to come with his sparkling, grey eyes. And he was gone. Just like that.

I sighed. Boy, did he know how to kiss. I dropped back and sat on the steps again and tried to make sense of what just happened. I pressed a hand to my beating heart and willed it to slow down, smiling as I did.

I knew this was right. It had to be. I was warm and happy and...

There weren't any words.

I must've sat there for at least 10 minutes, trying to sort out the inner workings of my brain.
Which was when my Dad arrived. He'd come from Alex', worried out of his mind. He pulled me into a warm embrace and thanked God under his breath, fighting back tears. I patted his back reassuringly and promised to never go out again before making my escape upstairs where I could really analyse everything that had happened.

I had reluctantly showered and changed into my pyjamas, finally flopping on to my soft, comfortable bed. I turned out the lights but left my bedside table lamp on. And then I let my heart do its fan girl dance. I clutched at my hair and giggled, just for the sake of giggling. I'd never felt this way. Not with Jason. Not with-


I jumped from my bed in surprise and looked towards the balcony window. There was a small hole where something had cracked and broken the glass, probably a rock. Eyes wide in fear, I edged towards the glass doors slowly and peered down into the darkness of my garden to see a tall blonde haired boy mouthing sorry up at me.

I opened the door without a sound and crept out onto the cold surface of the porch, in my fluffy cow slippers. Gripping the small white barrier in front of me, I looked down bewildered.

"Alex?!" I whispered, allowing my voice to carry.

"Zoe!" He cried back. He sounded relieved.

I went back into my bedroom and opened the door and stepped out into the landing, listening out to see if my dad had heard the smash of glass. Somehow, he hadn't and I was grateful for his poor hearing. I returned to the balcony in my bedroom.

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