Chapter 5- Never Make Eye Contact When Eating a Banana

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Dedicated to CookieMonster!

If you knew how much you make me laugh. XD

Chapter 5- Never Make Eye Contact When Eating a Banana

(Zoe's Point Of View)

There was a shrill beep outside.

Grabbing my bag and tightening my hair, I skipped down the stairs and rushed for the door.

"Alex's here! Bye Dad!" I shouted, making sure my voice carried through to the living room.

"Bye sweetie. Don't forget your keys!" He chuckled lowly to himself. I scowled and made a face through the wall.

"And stop making faces." He added as an afterthought.

How did he even know? "Whatever." I huffed under my breath.

I opened the door, and stepped outside, the door clattering shut behind me. I remembered breaking the glass pane set in the door, like this, several years ago.

Sure enough, Gertrude sat, silently humming her engine, on the road. I walked quickly to the door and slid in, grinning at Alex. He smiled a genuine smile back only to ruin it by uttering the dreaded-

"Got your keys?" He smirked openly and laughed loudly, throwing his head back when he saw my sour expression.

"Sorry," He wheezed out between pants of laughter. "Couldn't help myself."

"You meanie." I stuck my tongue out at him childishly. His face softened.

"Sorry Zoe poo." He widened his eyes and puckered out his lower lip.

"It's ok, Lexiie!" I squeezed his cheeks. His eyes narrowed and he pulled away. He hated his old nickname. "We're even now!" I commented brightly. No matter what, 'Lexiie' always won. His Mum still called him Lexiie sometimes. Alex hated it. I thought it was adorable.

Alex and I sat comfortably, chatting lightly while driving to his house. It was only a 2 minute drive, if that, but we stopped by Asda to stock up on junk food.

"You coming?" Alex asked as he clicked the eject button on his seatbelt. It ravelled upwards and Alex opened his car door.

"Nah. You go." I replied lazily, leaning back into the warm chair.

"Fair enough." He said simply before stepping out and jogging to the large store. He knew what to get. (Haribos.) We hadn't had a movie night for ages. We would try for every 3-4 weeks but it had been postponed several times for one reason or another. However, when he had suggested it a couple of days ago, I couldn't help but feel awkward. Wouldn't his future step-father be there? I had sensed a little bit of tension when I asked about his mother. He was still upset about the sudden living arrangement. I had reluctantly said yes, but found I had been worrying about nothing when Alex told me his mum was going out with Stephen, his future step-dad, for the night.

With nothing to worry about, I found myself looking forward to the night. Alex seemed a lot happier and relaxed now and I anticipated for things to go back to normal. We could talk, and joke around just like before, without anything serious looming over us. It was nice.

"Back." Alex announced plainly. He threw a pack of Haribos at me, and dumped the rest of our snacks in the back.

"That was quick." I stated, sitting up straight and straightening the packet.

"Thank god for self service." He said. I laughed at his comment. Alex hated talking to people at the till.

We arrived at Alex's house, and Alex parked his car in the gravelly driveway. Sure enough, his mother's car was nowhere to be seen.

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