Chapter 56

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Shawn opened his eyes, noticing that he was in an unfamiliar room. He slowly sat up, yawning as he looked around. A girls room. A room that wasn't Camila's. He looked down next to him to see an unfamiliar girl, who was naked. Shawn's eyes widened and he looked down under the covers to see that he was also naked



You and Camila sat against the headboard of your bed, both of you naked and under the blankets. You looked at Camila, and her hollow eyes were staring at the bed. You both knew that this was a mistake. That this would never happen again, and that you both did something wrong. You cheated on Lauren, and Camila cheated on Shawn. But Lauren cheated on you too, and Camila doesn't know that Shawn also cheated on her.

"Camila," you spoke with a dry, raspy voice, "I think you should leave before someone walks in." Camila nodded, not finding her words as she got out of bed.

"U-Uhm," she stuttered, "C-could you look away while I-I get dress, please?" You nodded, bringing your hands over your eyes. Camila quickly got dress, "You can open your eyes now."

You brought your hands away from your eyes, watching as she inched towards your bedroom door, "Bye, Camila."



Lauren scooted closer to the warm body next to her.

"Good morning, Y/N," Lauren muttered.

"Y/N? Who is Y/N?" Luis asked, confused. Lauren's eyes snapped open, and she scooted away from the boy, "Lauren?"

"Oh no, no, no," Lauren whispered, her eyes wide as she stared at Luis, "Oh no. Th-this was a mistake."

"Who is Y/N?" Luis asked again, wanting an answer.

"Y/N, she-she's my girlfriend," Lauren told him, getting up and putting her clothes on, "Fuck! A-And we're in B-Brad's room."

"Wait! You're gay?" Luis blurted out,  "And you're somebody's girlfriend? Oh god. Oh my god."

"You need to go," Lauren told him, "Like, right now." Luis frantically nodded his head, getting up and throwing his clothes on. He sprinted out of the room and out of the house.

Lauren took a deep breath, sitting on the edge of the bed. She closed her eyes, breathing in and out. After a moment or two, she got up. She exited the room, just as you did yours. You locked eyes with her, but then looked down.

"I-you know," Lauren murmured. The look on your face gave it away. And you avoided eye contact with her.

"Yeah," you said, "I saw you two making out last night. A-And I uhm, I also uh, m-made a mistake."


"I had sex with uh, with C-Camila,"


Normani groaned as she woke up. She had a pounding headache. A hang over. But Normani didn't recall drinking. But then she remembered the red solo cup. She was in an unfamiliar room - no, it was familiar. It was Ally's room.

She recognized it because she sometimes looked across her window to see Ally's room. She only saw a little bit of it, but she knew and she had a feeling it was Ally's.

Ally came into her room, seeing Normani awake. She had a bottle of Advil and some water in her hand.

"Hey," Ally greeted her, giving her the water and pills. "How're you feeling?"

"Horrible," Normani mumbled, taking the pills and drowning them with water, "My head hurts like a bitch."

"Yeah, well, you got drunk last night," Ally told her, "In fact, it was kind of entertaining. You were tormenting this flower."

Normani frowned, groaning as she threw her head back onto the pillow. Ally laughed.


"I slept with Y/N," Camila blurted out to Shawn. They were both at his house, sitting in his room.


"I slept with Y/N," Camila repeated, looking down at the floor, hoping to avoid eye contact with Shawn.

"Oh thank god," Shawn breathed out, "I was feeling bad because I slept with someone else too."

"Wait, so, you're not mad?" Camila asked, looking up at Shawn.

Shawn shook his head, "No, well, only if you're not mad at me."

"I'm not," Camila muttered, not expecting things to go this way, "So, this makes us okay?"

"Hey, I'm just glad it was with Y/N and not some random person."


You and your friends sat at the lunch table. You and Lauren haven't talked about both of you cheating on each other yet. Lauren was dreading the conversation, meanwhile, you wanted to have it and get it over with.

That's the thing about you and Lauren. You were both so completely different. You wanted to go ahead and get things over with, while Lauren wanted to drag things out and make them longer. Lauren liked to procrastinate, you didn't. I mean, yes, there's things that you don't want to do, but you suck it up and do it anyways. The sooner it's over with, the sooner you can get back to your life.

There was an awkward tension at the lunch table, and everyone could tell.

"So Y/N, Lauren," Zendaya broke the silence, "How are you guys?"

You shrugged, so did Lauren.

"Okay.." Zendaya trailed off, "Shawn, Camila?"

"We're doing great," Shawn answered with a smile, and Camila nodded. At the sound of that, you lifted your head up, eyebrows furrowed.

"Camila, can I talk with you? In private?" You requested, and Camila nodded. Lauren watched the two of you walk away, a jealous feeling in her stomach.

"Did you tell him?" you asked once you two were in private. "About us?"

"Yeah," she nodded, "Turns out, he slept with someone else too. And we decided to forget about it."

You set your jaw, "That's nice. Did he use a condom?"

Camila opened her mouth, but didn't say anything. She hadn't thought about that. Either did you until now. Did Luis use a condom? You saw Luis walking across the cafeteria, and couldn't help but get angry. You stormed over to him, standing in front of him.

"Hey dude, could you uh, move?" Luis politely asked, "Please?"

"Did you use a condom?" you asked, causing him to furrow his eyebrows.

"What? What're you talking about?"

"When you fucked my girlfriend," you said through gritted teeth, anger running through your veins,  "Did you use a fucking condom?" The whole cafeteria was quiet, because you now had his shirt balled up in your hands.

"You're Lauren's girlfriend? Dude, listen! I didn't know she was taken - she didn't say anything!" You didn't listen to him, instead, you brought your fist up, punching him in the nose. He stumbled back, wiping his nose as blood poured out of it, "Fine, game on."

He ran and tackled you to the ground, him on top of you as you guys slid. He began to punch you, but you caught his fist,  twisting it around and turning you two over. You punched his face, repeatedly.

"Y/N! Calm down!" you felt two people lift you off of him. Justin and Shawn, "Calm down!"

You shrugged out of their grip, looking at Luis as he stood up, then Lauren, who had tears in her eyes. You shook your head, grabbing your bag and walking out of the cafeteria.


edited - 9/3/17

snapchat - graciejbands


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