Chapter 38

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• Months Later •

For the past few days now, you've been eating dinner at the Jauregui's. Only Taylor knew about you and Lauren. But Chris was suspicious, because of things he hears about you two at school. Lauren was ready to come out to her family, she just doesn't know when and how.

"I think you should do it tonight," you said, "This is my fifth dinner here, so I think you should go for it. I mean, your mom and dad already love me. And I think Chris is up to something."

Lauren sighed, "Okay. I'll try."


Zendaya stared at Dinah as the two watched TV. Zendaya and Dinah were like best friends now. But Dinah has admitted to herself that she has some type of feelings for Zendaya. Not in a friendly way, like in a lover way.

Zendaya had been feeling the same way too. Whenever she looked at Dinah, her stomach turned. And whenever their hands touched, or any body part, for that matter, she felt sparks. She felt butterflies and all of the cliché other things.

Zendaya sighed, returning her attention back to the TV.


Ally had gotten over Troy by now. Sure, she missed him. But she remembered how when they kissed, she didn't feel anything. She felt something with Normani. She felt passion and happiness when they kissed. She used to feel that way with Troy, but not anymore. She felt that way with Normani.

But Normani is gone. Normani left. It's been five months since she left. She still hasn't heard from her. Dinah has, though. Dinah and Normani talk on a daily basic. Though they're ex's, they're still good friends. Like, really good friends.

Ally was mad at Normani, upset at her. If Normani came back anytime soon, Ally wouldn't know if she should forgive her or not. But Ally wasn't the type to hold grudges.


Camila and Shawn have been hanging out a lot. She doesn't talk to Austin as much. The two play guitar with each other, and occasionally sing. Camila is only comfortable singing around you and now Shawn.

The two are practically like best friends. You haven't seen much of Camila, but you haven't noticed. You've been busy with Lauren and all. Camila was upset that you forgotten her, but she's gotten over it and understands that you now have a girlfriend.

So, she's hanging out with Shawn now. Sure, it may seem like Shawn is a rebound, but he isn't. Camila likes Shawn, and she has a feeling Shawn likes her too.


Hailee laughed as Cara fell off of the couch. Cara had been sleeping, and Hailee was still awake. Cara jolted awake, groaning as she held her head.

"Ow, fuck," Cara cursed, sitting up.

Hailee laughed, "Holy crap! That was priceless!" Cara glared at her, rubbing her arm. She landed on her arm, making it sore.

"That fucking hurt," Cara mumbled, standing up. But Hailee didn't respond, she kept laughing and laughing. Hailee saw that Cara was going to fall, and she wanted to see her fall, so she didn't wake her up. And plus, Cara deserved since she fell asleep on Hailee. They promised to do an all-nighter.

"Oh, you think that's funny?" Cara inquired. Hailee nodded, but then stopped laughing when she saw the smirk or Cara's face. Cara inched closer and closer, then pouncing on the younger girl.

Cara straddled Hailee, her hands digging into her sides. Hailee giggled uncontrollably as Cara tickled her.

"S-stop!" Hailee managed to get out while laughing, "P-please!"

"Do you think me falling off the couch is still funny?" Cara asked, not stopping. Hailee giggled while shaking her head, squirming underneath Cara's grip. Cara stopped and got off, "Good."

Hailee laid there, catching her breath. After a minuet or two, Hailee set back up.

"You deserved it, though," Hailee said.

Cara glared at her and straddled her again. This time, Hailee was prepared, so she flipped them over, causing them to fall off the couch.

"Fuck," Cara groaned as she landed on the floor, again, "That fucking hurt - again."

Hailee smirked down at Cara as she still straddled her lap, "Good. You deserved it," Hailee didn't tickle Cara, she just sat on her lap, staring into her eyes.

Cara stared right back at the younger girl. Neither of the girls noticed that Cara's hands were on Hailee's hips. Hailee loved Cara's eyes. She loved the way they stood out and how blue and bright they were. Kind of like Lauren's, but blue.

Hailee, without knowing it, leaned down. She could feel Cara's minty breath on her lips. Cara looked down at Hailee's lips, and Hailee looked down at Cara's.

"Fuck it," Cara whispered, pressing her lips against Hailee's. Hailee immediately kissed back, loving the feeling of her lips.


The Black Sedan pulled up into the driveway, the moving truck following behind it. Ally noticed from her window, and looked out it.

She waited to see who came out of the car. The door opened, and Ally squinted her eyes. Ally's eyes widened once she saw who came out of the car, and she felt a mixture of emotions.

Normani ran her hand through her hair as she stood outside of the car. She closed the car door and looked around. Her family couldn't live in her old house, because someone bought it.

Normani then realized the familiar neighborhood, and which house she's at. She's been here a million times. Normani spun around, locking eyes with Ally.

"Ally," Normani mumbled, staring at Ally.

"Normani," Ally whispered, staring right back at her. Ally glared at her, pulling the curtain shut.


edited - 8/18/17

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- gracie 💓

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