Chapter 57

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Your hands rested on the counter of the sink. You stared at yourself through the mirror, blood dripping from your nose. You had a cut above your eyebrow that was bleeding. Your hands were clenching the counter, your knuckles turning red. Your knuckles were also bleeding from when you punched Luis, and you're sure they'll be bruised.

You grabbed a towel, not caring if it's a white one or not. You wet it, putting it up to your eye as someone entered your bathroom. You looked up to see Camila shutting the door.

"Here," she said,  "Sit on the counter, I got it." You did as she said, lifting yourself up onto the counter. She stood in-between your legs, the rag going to your nose. You gritted your teeth as it stung, "You're stupid, you know that?"

"He had sex with my girlfriend," you muttered, "I don't know if he used a condom or not."

Camila sighed, "I don't think Shawn used a condom either. I'm actually worried he got that girl pregnant."

You scoffed, "If Lauren is pregnant I'm chopping Luis's dick off. But I'll still be there for her. I'll help take care of the child." You didn't want to be like your father, who left. Even though he left when you were 10, he could've stayed. But he didn't, and he had another child, Amber. Speaking of Amber, you haven't seen her around much.

"I don't think Shawn would," Camila softly said, removing the rag, "I think he'd leave."

You frowned, "I got the rest. Thanks, Mila." Camila nodded, handing you the rag and leaving.


Camila knocked on Shawn's door. A minute later, Shawn opened the door, smiling.

"Hey Mila," he stepped aside, letting her in.

"Shawn," Camila said in a serious tone, wanting to get straight to the point, "Did you use a condom?" Shawn paused, his eyebrows furrowed. He doesn't remember anything, so that means he doesn't know if he used a condom.

"I-I don't know," Shawn muttered, "I don't even know the girls name."

"Do you remember what she looked like?" Camila asked.



You walked into the school with a cut above your eyebrows and tape wrapped around your knuckles, covering the bruises. You walked by Luis, who glared at you, but quickly winced. His face was bruised up, and his left arm was wrapped up from when you twisted his wrist.

You haven't seen Lauren since yesterday, and frankly, you didn't want to talk to her. You put your locker combination in, opening it. Yesterday, before you went to bed. You thought. You thought about how Luis and Lauren had sex. You thought about how you and Camila had sex. Is that sign? A sign that you and Lauren shouldn't be together? Or should take a break?

"Y/N," you tensed up, shutting your locker and turning it around to see those emerald eyes.

"Lauren," you responded, your voice hard. Lauren furrowed her eyebrows. You're mad at her? Lauren is mad at you! Both of you cheated on each other. You weren't the only one thinking last night.

"We need to talk," Lauren demanded, "In private, like, right now." You bit your lip and nodded, following her out of the school into the front.

"I think - " Lauren took a deep breath, "I think we should take a break."

You stood up straighter, "What?"

"A b-break," Lauren swallowed.

"L-Like, b-breaking up?" You choked out, and Lauren nodded, tears forming in her eyes. You stood, frozen in your spot. Lauren looked at your face, then ran back inside the school.

You watched her run inside, your eyes hollow. You stood in the courtyard, the wind blowing across your face. The one person that you let in, that you told your feelings to, just broke your heart. You trusted her out of everyone. You closed your eyes, and you wanted to turn your feelings off. Just like at the beginning of the school year. So, you did.

You re-opened your eyes, running a hand through your hair. Except, somethings are going to be different in this new change.


At lunch, you stayed quiet. Lauren sat at the other end of the table, also quiet. You haven't touched your food, not being hungry.

"You okay?" Dinah asked you. You looked up, locking eyes with her.

"No," you answered, "But I will be."

"What happened?" Dinah questioned, leaning forward.

You bitterly chuckled, "More like what hasn't happened. Listen here, Dinah-Jane. Don't let anybody in, don't trust anyone. They'll just fuck you up. They'll just break you," Lauren scoffed as she heard you speak, "Problem, Lauren?"

"You act like I'm the bad guy here!" Lauren exclaimed, "You also cheated on me!"

"Because you hurt me!" You shouted, standing up. "I saw you kissing him! I saw you feeling him and taking his shirt off! You didn't see anything! But I saw it, Lauren! And it's like you actually fucking liked him!"

Lauren swallowed, looking down. You looked through the cafeteria, seeing Luis. He had a smirk plastered on his face, and that set you off. You were going to beat his ass up - again. You stormed over to him, and before anybody knew it, he was on the floor. You kept punching and punching.

You got pulled off of him, and you shrugged the person off. Only, that person is the principal. You turned around, your eyes wide.

"Oh crap,"

"Oh crap is right," the principal spat, "The office, now! Someone take Luis to the office!" Justin and Brad got up, taking Luis. You grabbed your bag, throwing it over your shoulder. "This way, L/N."

Luis had gotten a few punches in, causing the cut on your eyebrow to re-open. Your lip was bleeding, and there was a bruise forming on your cheek. You didn't spare a second glance at Lauren, but you could feel her eyes on you.


You sat in the principal's office, your arms crossed with you slumped in the chair. Your bag was on the ground, and you stared at Mr. Hicks, the principal. The door opened, revealing your Aunt. She set the purse down and set down.

"Ms. L/N," Mr. Hicks started, "It seems that Y/N had gotten into a fight with one of her classmates. Care to tell us why?" Gloria looked at you with a raised eyebrow.

"He had sex with my girlfriend!" you exclaimed, and Gloria gasped.

"You mean Lauren?" Gloria inquired, and you nodded.

"Now, Ms. L/N, Y/N will be suspended for three days," Mr. Hicks said. "We already have all of her class work in a file." He handed Gloria the file, and she took them, putting it in her purse.

"Let's go, Y/N," you stood up, throwing your bag over your shoulder. You and your aunt walked out of the school, "Did you beat him up good?"

"Yeah," you muttered, "Real fucking good."

"That's my girl."


edited - 9/3/17

snapchat : graciejbands


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