Chapter 68

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Normani opened her eyes, and the first thing she felt was regret. A lot of it. She fucked her best friend / ex-girlfriend, the same way it happened in high school. At a party, both of them high and drunk.

"We did it again." Dinah quietly said from
next to her. They were still at the frat house. Normani nodded, looking over at Dinah.

"I'm sorry." Normani apologized.

"I'm at fault too," Dinah muttered, standing up and putting her clothes. "Get up and get dress. We need to get back to our dorms."


"I met someone."

"Yeah, who?"

"The girl who hit me with the door two months ago hit me again and now we're friends." Camila said, looking at you.

You raised an eyebrow, "That's an interesting way to make friends."

"Yeah," Camila laughed. "But she's really nice. Plus, you're always busy with Lauren or something and I don't have anyone else to hang out with."

You frowned, turning to Camila, "I'm always here to hang out with you, Mila, you just need to ask."

"Okay," she went quiet for a moment. "How's Gloria?"

"She's at home now, just a small scare because she was throwing up. She has the flu." You said.

"I thought she didn't live in Miami?"

"I did too, but I'm guessing William and her decided to move here to be closer to Brad and I."


Ally looked up, spotting Normani and Dinah walking back to the dorms. Ally stood up, jogging over to the two.

She stood in front of Normani, causing her to pause.

"I'll see you later." Dinah muttered, walking inside the dorms, leaving the two girls.

"What, Ally?" Normani asked.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Ally exclaimed. "I thought something had happened to you! I thought you died!"

"And you care? You actually care about how I feel for once?" Normani scoffed.

"I've always cared!"

"Not when we were in high school! Or when you were talking to Troy! All I was was an experiment!"

"No you weren't!" Ally screamed. "I tried asking about you! I tried to talk to you but ever since Zendaya you've shut me out! You slammed the door in my face! I've stopped talking to Troy! And I made my decision, Normani! I love you! I fucking love you!"

Normani froze at the spot. Zendaya. Love. Ally loves her. She mentioned Zendaya. She felt numerous of emotions. Happiness and guilt.

"Ally," Normani quietly said. "I'm sorry. A-And, let's start over. B-By me telling you what happened two months ago."


Zendaya laid on the bed in the ambulance. Dinah and Normani rid with her, tears falling from both of their faces.

The paramedic frantically worked to stop the bleeding. It was hard, since the gunshot was in the skull.

"Hurry up!" He screamed to the driver. "We need to get her to surgery, now!"

"I-Is she going t-to be okay?" Dinah asked, trembling.

"It's my fault, all my fault," Normani mumbled. "I could've saved her. I could've -"

"She's not dead, Mani!" Dinah shouted. "She'll be okay."


Normani paced the hospital room, while Dinah stared at the white floor.

"Ms. Hansen and Ms. Kordei?" The two girls look up. "I'm Dr. Cobb, Head of Nuero. I'm sorry to say that we've lost Zendaya. The bleeding was to much, and when she fell, she hit her head, causing more damage. She's in room 402."

Dinah didn't cry. Dinah didn't scream. She swallowed, standing up. She just walked to the room, Normani following.


"She didn't even cry," Normani whispered. "It's my fault, Ally."

"No it's not, you couldn't of known that that was going to happen," Ally said. "You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"I still feel like it's my fault."

"And that's why you've been going out a lot, yeah?" Normani nodded. "I know who can help you with guilt."

"Who?" Normani asked.

"We're going to them now."


You opened the door, seeing Ally and Normani.

"How can Y/N help me with guilt?" Normani asked Ally.

You snorted, "Trust me, Normani. I can help with that alright. Now, come in and get comfortable." You stepped aside, letting the two girls in. You shut the door behind them.

They set down, and you set down across from them on your bed.

"You're guilty about Zendaya, yes?"

"How'd you know?" Normani's face scrunched up.

"I think you forget that I literally know everything. That I can read people's body languages, and I do listen to the police. You were there at the scene, and you were in the ambulance." You said.


"Yeah," you nodded. "I am guilty for a lot, Normani. I feel guilty for my mom's death, for my dad's death, and even Ashton's death. I'm guilty for cheating on Lauren back in high school, then running like a coward. But, Lauren forgave me. And I'm not guilty for their deaths, because I had no control over it. Over death. Death is like oblivion, to me. You don't know when it's going to happen. It could happen now, or tomorrow, or even ten minuets from now," you paused, letting Normani take this information in. "And it does take awhile to get over it. But the first step, is to know that it isn't your fault."

"O-Okay, and how do I do that?"

"Stop partying, for one. And start being honest. Like, right now."

"I slept with Dinah last night." Normani blurted out. "I was high and drunk."

"Uh, o-okay." Ally muttered. "Good job. Honesty is the best policy."

"Now, you keep going from there."



have a good day. not edited


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