Chapter Nine

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Sean's POV:

      I always wake up every morning thinking about Alex. She probably slept great after the conversation we had last night. I know I did. I look at the time on my phone and it reads, 8:21 am. Alex always wakes up late on the weekends. I decide to give her a good morning text once again. She deserves it. 

Me: Good morning boo! I know you wake up late on the weekends. But I just wanna say I had a great time talking to you last night. You know how much I care for you. Even if we break up, I'll always be there for you. Your rock, your shoulder to cry on. I don't know what I did to deserve you. You're the most amazing girl in the world ❤️ You talked about me saying "yes" to everything. I only say yes to you because you deserve the whole world. I know what you've been through and no person should ever go through it. I know girls have crushes on me from around the world, but don't worry. Baby girl, I'm yours. People may call you a goofball or a bad chick, but you're my goofball and my bad chick. I'm lucky that you said yes to be mine. I'm lucky to have you. I'm lucky that you gave me a chance. I know I can be such a idiot, but I'm your loving idiot. ❤️😘💞

    And sent. Call me a hopeless romantic but she's basically my everything. I eat breakfast then take a shower. I just throw on some normal people clothes and sit on my phone. I check out some fan accounts and then make some Musical.lys. I do All I Want by Daniel Skye because all I want is Alex right now. I decide to go over to Alex's house. I mean someone has to be home right? I grab some stuff I need and head out. 

     Adeline opens the door. I go up to Alex's room and she is still asleep. Awh my little penguin. She was curled up in her bed sheets and her phone right next to her. I look at her phone and turn it on. Her lock screen is a picture of me and her. It was a selfie from a few months ago. I was looking at her, and she was looking in a different direction. We were both laughing at something and there was obviously milk tea in our hands. Cute cute. 

      Alex is so cute asleep. I decide to take a picture of her. My sleeping queen is so beautiful. I go to her desk and see a notebook. The cover had said, Alex + Sean =  4Ever ❤️ And my name was written everywhere on the cover. I open it up and it's just her Math notebook. I go over to her bed and kiss her cheek. 

"Morning sleepy head." I whisper and lie down next to her while wrapping my arms around her.

"Morning Sean." She puts her head on my chest and still has her eyes closed. Her morning voice is so cute. 

"You don't wanna wake up?" I ask her. I play with her soft hair. 

"I do, but I feel lazy." She groans. 

"I'll get you a Peppermint mocha from Starbucks." That's how you get her to wake up. She jolts up and looks at me. 

"I'll be ready in ten minutes." She grabs her phone and looks at it. She's smiling and gives me a little peck on my cheek. "I love you idiot. Thanks for the message." 

Alex's POV:

     Sean is such a good boyfriend. He texts me every morning and he just loves doing things for me. I head to my bathroom, brush my teeth, and wash my face. I change into a white t-shirt that says BAE in black letters with Sean's hoodie over it and dark blue jeans. I put on my socks and then slip on my white converse. I tie up my naturally straight hair into a ponytail and go to my little makeup desk. 

"Why do you always hurt your eyelashes?" Sean asks, coming behind me. 

"Do you want me to look ugly?" I turn to face him and give him a look. 

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