Twin Theory

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Romano and Italy are actually mirror images. But polar opposites like Rin and Len. Romano's the south part of the mirror and Italy's the actually person in the mirror.

Romano's side of the mirror is an alternate universe where he pushes everyone away.

Italy's side of the mirror is friendship and alliances.

This actually implies for North Korea and South Korea.

Except that the north side is where he pushes everyone away and has a corrupt boss.

South Korea's side is his family and Kpop.

It can also apply to America and Canada (If possible)

America is the Southern one where everyone notices him because he's so loud and obnoxious.

Canada's side is very quiet and peaceful and no one notices him.

It can apply to other twins like Germany and Prussia. Everyone knows what side is like.

But eventually, it's possible that the bad side of the mirror breaks and the person has to either join their side or is ignored completely.

Prussia and Romano join sides since they're East Germany and South Italy.

Canada and North Korea are ignored. North Korea really just shuts himself out and is a communist country. Canada, on the other hand is just ignored whether he likes it or not because his side of the mirror broke.

America and France pays him visits.

German people still remember the great and awesome Prussia in history books and lessons.

Romano isn't forgotten by Italy and Spain. And his side has a mafia. Which was part of his broken mirrored side. Romano is now a bit calmer but is a very different side of Italy. He's not as weak and can actually use his brain.

Sadly when North Korea's mirror broke, it broke during a Kold War. That was when Russia influenced him to becoming a communist country and America influenced South Korea to be good.

Prussia, lost a war on the other side of his mirror, causing it to dissolve.

Canada's broke when he became free from France. Since then, he hasn't been noticed much. Just by the FACE family who protect him.

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