Chapter 1: Guess who?

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Okay guys! Here's Running Low! Please give me feedback on what you guys think!



 "Adeline! Get your ass up! Breakfast is ready!" My ignorant and annoying older brother Colton yelled. It's 9:20 am, please let me sleep another three hours. Is that so much to ask?

"Give me a minute!" I yelled back, rolling my eyes. I swear, having a brother can be hard work, and I know that some of you know that.

I jumped out of bed, careful not to trip over the piles of clothes I have in this room. Man, I really need to clean this place, I thought to myself I grabbed a black v-neck t-shirt with some grey sweatpants before heading to the bathroom to do my daily routine.

I hate to admit it but, I'm incredibly lucky. What am I saying, I love to admit it. Never in my life had I been considered the 'lucky one', until I turned twelve years old. It was my birthday and I was celebrating it with the other kids in the house I lived in. I was one of the oldest kids in Annie's Orphanage and it made me feel like an outsider. Life's hard when the only people you can talk to are still learning how to form a grammatically correct sentence without sounding stupid. Making friends was hard enough as it is until you throw being an orphan in the mix, which makes it ten times harder. It really let's you establish the real friends from the fake ones. Only a handful of my friends stayed. Anyway, on my birthday, I was adopted by my current family, The Causley's. They have treated me like their own child and I am eternally grateful for that.

Clarice, my mother, is a fashion designer who works for high end fashion companies. She's worked with everything from Ralph Lauren to Victoria Secret.

Caiden, my father, is a movie producer that works with all different types of celebrities. The perks of his job is that I can meet celebrities that are insanely cute. My favorite, Dave Franco.

So, as you can imagine, we have a pretty big modern house. I mean, my room alone is big enough to fit three beds, even though I have one queen sized bed. The king size was too big for me. My bed is in the corner of the room, right next to my window where there's a balcony over looking the city. On the other side of the balcony is my walk in closet. And opposite of that is my bathroom, which has a shower and a bathtub. Can you believe it? It's awesome even though I don't take baths unless I'm sick.

"What took you so long?" Colten groaned, dramatically rubbing his face with his hands.

"I'm sorry I actually care what I look like." I said, motioning towards his outfit. I hate to admit it, but Colten was an attractive guy. He has dark brown hair that's spiked up and his face is very defined. Let's just say that he is one of the most popular guys in our school.

"Look, I don't need to worry about how I look because I already have a girlfriend." He said, motioning his hand around in the air at nothing in particular.

"Keep dressing like that and you won't have one anymore." I said. He sarcastically chuckled.

"Alright kiddies!" Clarice announced as she walked into the kitchen wearing a navy blue pencil skirt with a white blouse and a blue blazer. "I need this house to be spotless when I get home because we are having over some guests." She said and Colton's eyes lit up.

"Kate Upton?" Colton said happily. I smacked his head causing him to groan.

"Why in the hell would she come here?"

"Don't be a dream crusher!" He yelled back at me, causing Clarice to laugh.

"Well," Mom started, "I don't want to ruin the surprise but-"

Running Low - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now