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With much inspiration from @Perfxt_ I love your story 💖


Justin and I had just pulled up in his parents driveway, they had invited us for their annual Christmas Eve party, let me actually rephrase that, it wasn't us that they had invited, they invited Justin and considering that I was his girlfriend they decided to make an acceptance in letting me come along.

Justin and his family were very wealthy, his dad was the creator of Nutella and his mother was the co-owner of the Revlon makeup brand, don't get me wrong they were great people, but they can come off as very snobby rich parents that only wanted the best of the best for their son.

"They hate me Justin, why did you bring me along?" I held my gift closer to my chest as they stared me down, they as in the thousands of rich people packed into the Bieber's household, the tension was well noticed.

"Don't worry babe, they love you." He pulled me close and swerved through the sea of people, "they should be around here somewhere–ah over there, sweetie do you see them?"

"Yeah..." we walked over to his parents who were drinking expensive champagne and drowning them selves with chatter.

"Oh here he comes now." Pattie pulled Justin in for a hug completely ignoring my presence, typical.

"Mother, how nice to see you." He kissed her red stained cheek and went to hug his father as I stood there clueless and completely mis placed, "and hello dad, how's the company?"

"Doing just fine son, started another product to the Nutella brand. I tell you, it's going to make me millions!" He patted his son on the back.

Justin shared a small laughter with them until he embraced me, "you haven't forgotten about Janiece now have you?"

Pattie extended a hand with the fakest smile I have ever seen anyone pull, "oh, you're the girlfriend? Feelings mutual."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, thank you for inviting me into your home Mrs.Bieber." I smiled.

Mr Bieber did not seem pleased, "now Justin what have I told you about bringing dirt into our home?" He held his glass closer to his lips, "she brings shame upon us but yet you still decided to bring her here, into my home! What about Ashley or Chanel!"

Ouch. It almost seemed like that they didn't even acknowledge the fact that I was standing there listening to the hurtful words he was saying about me, at least he could make an effort to know me or even ask for my name.

"Sweetheart, do you know how many times I have told him about not mingling with these sorts of people?" Pattie joined into the conversation, "they steal and kill, do you want that Justin?"

"Shes not like that..." he scratched the back of his neck constantly looking at me, "just hear her out."

"Nonsense!" Jeremy slammed the glass on top of the kitchen island, "hear her out? Hear her out! You have got to be kidding me? What nonsense has she fed you!?"

"Look at her? She's about to cry, such a delicate flower but yet still a disease to our nation!" Pattie shot me a glare.

"Mother! Father you're embarrassing me!"

"You are embarrassing us by bringing a Nigger into our home!" Pattie looked me up and down with disgust, that did it.

"'s your gift, I'll be on my way now, I was hoping we could all open it together but it seems like—" I wiped away a stray tear from my cheek, "–you don't want me here anymore or never."

And I took off.

From the riches of the white people.


There was a knock at my door, the familiar sound that filled my ears of wandering and guessing who the stranger might be this time, but in this case, I knew that it was my night in shining armour, the man I had made love with a few weeks ago.

There he stood with a brown coat on with jeans and a jumper, I smiled.

"Hey." I looked at my pink coloured toe nails, I was embarrassed to look into his eyes, they were too expensive for me.

"I unwrapped your present Janiece—" He threw the empty box at me, I didn't even realise he was holding it, "–when were you planning on telling me huh?"

I sighed, "I wanted it to be unwrapped at the party so I could share the good news but then your parents—"

He cut me off, "—Don't bring my parents into this!" He pushed past me and marched into my condo, "did you even plan on telling me?"

"I already said I was going to tell you yesterday!" I reached for his cheek but he pulled away, "you should be happy! Why aren't you happy!"

"Because they aren't happy! Do you know how long it took me to get on my parents good side? To please them?" He kicked my coffee table making it tip over, "get rid of it..."

"You're not serious..."

"I said get rid of the damn things now!"

I froze, "get out..."

"Don't be expecting money from me when those things are born!" He slammed the door.

My babies, I'm sorry.

I placed my hand on my growing baby bump, "these two lives that are making their way into the world underneath, I wish you good memories and many celebrated birthdays when you are born, may the love be brought to me as your mother, father and grandparents, I love you Royalty and Nina, I really do."

Bring the nine months, I can take them.


"How does daddy look?" Royalty wrapped a pinky in my folded hands.

"He's a beautiful man, much like the prince in your fairytale book."

Rina yawned and snuggled to my chest, "is he nice to mummy? And is he special to you?"

"Sweetheart no matter what, daddy is a great man of many talents and even though it didn't work out he still loves everybody the same."

"When can we meet him then?" Royalty grabbed a fistful of my hair and tucked it behind my ear, "does he love us mummy?"

"I promise you'll meet him one day, and my lovelies, he loves you to the moon and back."

"Mum?" They said in unison.

"Yes babies?"

"We love you."

I placed a warm kiss on their foreheads and stroked the lovely brown hair my Justin blessed them with, and where ever he is he better know that he has two little kids dying to meet him, the two kids I cherish the most.

"You really messed up Justin."

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