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JUSTIN IS A JERK for thinking after all those years of torture and heartbreak that I was going to forgive him that easy, he thought that I was going to let him off the hook that soon?

Yes I get that they are his children and they will always be his children but when he told me to get rid of them and when he referred to his children as things I knew that if he were to come back, I would never forgive him.

But after that kiss, God that kiss. I couldn't stop the imaginary burning sensation that would satisfy my lips every time I were to even think about him, it felt real, like fireworks on New Year's day, it felt amazing. And I hated him for that.

"Mummy! Rina stole one of my cheese balls." Royale was standing over my body –which I had now realised I was on the floor with a book while Royale had large amounts of orange cheese pieces stuck to her lips, Rina was eating hers silently.

"Don't yell." I pushed my self up and groaned when my back cracked of tiredness, "ladies talk like their keeping a secret, are you keeping a secret darling?"

She huffed, "fine." She kneeled down to my level and moved her mouth close to my ear, "Rina ate one of my cheese balls."

Pretending to be shocked I placed a hand to my mouth and fake gasped, "oh no! Rina why?"

She flicked her head toward me making her beautiful brown hair move with gravity, "I'm sorry, I thought it was mine after she put it on my plate."

"That's okay, right Royale?"

She hesitated at first but finally let out the cute little smile she does whenever she's happy. "I forgive her mummy, and I can't stay mad because I can't."

Wow, great English Hun.

"You guys need a bath huh?" It was going on 5:00pm and I hadn't started dinner or the movie yet, most days when it's raining we would have a movie and dinner but because I had a lot on my mind I was much too distant to even remember where my kitchen was.

Picking them both up with the strength I had left I carried them up the stairs to the bathroom, "now..." Putting them down near the tub while opening the hot and cold water I kneeled down to their level and took in a deep breath, "I think, that you girls have been very good lately and–"

"Spit it out mother!"

Guess who? Yes, Royale.

"Okay, okay." I laughed it off and placed both of them in the tub where the bubbles surrounded their little bodies, "maybe it's time for you to finally meet your d–"

And just on time my phone rings.

"Hold on sweeties, play with your duckies." I wiped my hands off on my pants and reached for my phone which was playing 'Don't' by Bryson Tiller. "Yes?"

"Hello mama, what's good this fine evening?"

It was Julienne, "I was about to tell the girls something very important, but I guess you're much more important than my own kids." I rolled my eyes, he would catch on soon.

I could hear heavy breathing in the background before he answered, "awe thank you, I know you love me but I didn't expect you to choose me over you children."

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