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This is the police officer: Jake

This is the police officer: Jake

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"Your girls are cute." Officer Bentley or Jake as That's his name which I learnt a couple minutes ago had ended up sitting with me and talking, he still kept a look out on the beach of course but mostly played with the girls and kept conversation with me. "Just like you, but you're the definition of the word beautiful."

I blushed and looked up at the dark Sky, it must've been going on 6pm by now, "thank you." I giggled and sucked in a breath, "so, tell me about yourself Jake."

He smiled and I couldn't help but noticed how his cheeks would puff up, one word, adorable. "Besides the fact that I'm sitting next to an attractive woman I am a police officer, I've been working as one for 2 years this is going to be my third year. And I am not in a relationship at the moment."


"You like that?" He smirked at me and I looked down at my pink coloured toe nails realising that I spoke a loud. "Don't be shy baby girl I don't bite."

"I-I-I-" I stuttered, "I-I..."

A deep chuckle was heard and he stood up and pulled me up with him and guided me toward the girls whom were making a sandcastle, "hey cuties what are you doing?"

Rina giggled and jumped onto him, "we're making a castle so we can wive in it!"

Royale however was just like Justin, she was jealous as hell. "Can you let go of my mum please, she looks uncomfortable."

Jake nervously chuckled and let go leaving a cold space near my waist, "Royale that's not very nice..." I fake smiles through gritted teeth, she was gonna get it when we get home. "Apologise to Jake now."

She only shot back, "and our dad is still in the picture you know, by the way your beard is gross..."

Um, awkward?

Scratching the back of his neck and putting Rina down he gave me a kiss on the cheek and a kiss on Rina's forehead before pulling me aside, "I guess that's my Que. to leave?" He pulled me closer to his chest and I could feel our heart beating as one, "I'll call you?"

I nodded my head sending my braids bouncing, "yeah.."

And he was gone.

"Royale get your little black ass here now I'm not playin!"

Just a preview :)

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