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The hospital ride was silent  no one said a word because they knew that something bad was going to happen or something already had. It was actually quite scary to think about losing someone so tiny and so small over something so stupid. Chanel and I had our differences yes, but that didn't mean that we had to get a child involved, I hated this. If becoming friends with Chanel helps the situation and if it makes my brother feel happy then this is what I have to do, I can't lose another person. I've already lost enough people in my life.

Julian was on his way to the he couldn't believe what had  happened when I told him, even though he hated Chanel he knew that this was very serious, after all there was a baby involved.

"hang in there Chanel." I rubbed her hands with mine and laid her head at the back of the seat, "breath Chan, deep breaths hunny."

Justin was on the side with me, we were squashed together so it was quite hard to keep him off me, he would purposely rub his hand around my back and then 'apologize' straight after.

"thank god!" A sigh of relief washed over my face when we pulled into the hospital and luckily there were already nurses waiting outside for us, ain't nobody caring her baby carrying ass all by them selves, what I look like?

"you're doing good Chane-stop touching me or I swear to god Justin!" I pushed him away and gave Deshuan a look saying 'help me'.

The nurses ran to Chanels side and she was instantly rolled into the building, Deshuan following behind them as Justin and I took our time.

"Stop forcing shit! Don't disrespect me in front of my brother!" I shoved him away from me.

"Baby..." He pouted gently and made grabby hands at me, "Justy is sorry..can he have a hug?"

what was he? Five?

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help a little giggle to escape my lips, he smiled straight after, but we'll never go passed this point. hopefully.

"I really am sorry Janice. You know me baby girl, I don't think in situations, it killed me to see you so upset." He let me walk through the automatic doors first and we v-lined toward the elevator, ain't nobody taking the stairs today.


"I just poured out my heart to you and all I get is 'ok?' Really Jay?" He fully turned so that he was looking at me, from the corner of my eye I could see him smirking at me, "baby girrrrl?"

"She's okay..let's leave." Deshuan walked past us and down toward the stairs, confused I signaled for Justin to go into the room with Chanel while I talked to Deshuan.

"D! What happened!" I grabbed his arm but he yanked it out of my grip, something must be really bad. "Talk to me! I'm not the enemy right now D, I'm family, okay?"

He turned around and his eyes were all red, my brother was crying.

"it's not mine." He slid down the wall, "I was so excited to have created something but then I find out its not...that it's not even my creation! Janice it hurts so bad!"

My hands were balled  up into fists by now, "I'm gonna hit her."

"She's pregnant Janice, no shy." He cracked a weary smile, "you already broke her finger."

I shrugged, "she still has nine left."

He laughed, it sounded forced, he was so sad...my brother was crying...he never cries.

been a long long time. anyway I'm updating tomorrow too so don't get cut. xo much love

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