So every single thing seems to be aimed towards a specific gender.
Even forms only have either female or male on them. If you're going to put genders on at least do this:
• Female
• Male
• Non-binary
• OtherStop trying to force people into boxes that suit you, stop trying to make people into something they are uncomfortable being.
Society needs to take a reality check because so many more people nowadays are non binary and they always seem to be ignored.
This is not right - in a time when all people seem to want to do is fight against discrimination and prejudice, why is this major discrimination almost completely overlooked?!
People recognise different sexualities much more readily, so why do people still refuse to accept that there are genders other than male and female?
Stupid society.
Hey, I know, again. But it's not my fault. We had to fill in a form today and it literally just said - male or female. Then it also had a section with a dress code for men and women, I mean, come on. Anyways, sorry mystic squirrels.
Stlt ~ Blood by My Chemical Romance

Rants, Rhythms And Downright Randomness
SonstigesA book of anything and everything. If I'm angry, it'll be in here. If there's music I'm loving, in here. All the random little things my brain comes up with.