America has just voted Trump in as President. It happened.
We all joked about it, thinking that no-one could be stupid enough to vote for him, and yet people did.
I heard this morning and broke down crying. My parents told me not to get so upset over something that won't affect Britain all that much.
But that's the thing, it does affect us. It affects us all because it affects people we care about, it is damaging towards ideals which we believe in, it could be so dangerous for so many people.
Trump is a vile human being, he is sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamaphobic, etc, etc.
He is the epitome of everything we need to get rid of in this world. And yet he has been given power by a country we all thought was getting better.
I cried this morning, 4 times, because I am genuinely scared for members of the LGBTQ+ community, POCs, muslims, women - basically anyone who isn't a cis hetero white male.
I cried because if we allow someone like Trump, who will deny others their rights, into power, then our world is no better than it was a hundred years ago.
I cried because I feel the need to apologise. I don't even live in America, and yet I want to apologise to the groups who will be targeted because of Trump's presidency.
I cried, and I am sure I will cry again, because I am genuinely scared. I am scared of a nation that can be so ignorant they will vote in a man like him. I am scared for friends who live in America. I am scared that all the progress that has been made will be immediately torn down. I am so scared.
For all those in America who will become victims of this election, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry no-one took it seriously. I'm sorry we didn't help to stop it. I'm so so sorry.
Stlt~ Goodbye Angels by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Rants, Rhythms And Downright Randomness
RandomA book of anything and everything. If I'm angry, it'll be in here. If there's music I'm loving, in here. All the random little things my brain comes up with.