So I haven't yet told my parents that I'm genderfluid, and my mum just has to go and make a comment about my appearance.
I have work experience very soon and have to get the train into the city, so we were taking a practice trip.
Then my mum just has to say something about me not wearing beanies during my week, 'cause girls can't normally get away with it.
So I ask her why it's alright for guys to and she gives me some bulls*** about it being more generally accepted.
Now I normally only wear beanies at the times when I feel more masculine or more gender-neutral, because she won't let me get my hair cut the length I want.
There were so many things I wanted to say, but I just couldn't, 'cause I'm still worried about what her reaction will be.
With my Dad, even though he's the more devout Christian, I know he'll accept me no matter what, but I can't tell with my Mum.
Yep, so that's what's up at the moment. I'm worried about her reaction and so I can't tell her. I keep dropping hints, but she seems completely oblivious.
Stlt ~ Sink To The Bottom by Fountains of Wayne
Note: This is quite old now, but still relevant

Rants, Rhythms And Downright Randomness
DiversosA book of anything and everything. If I'm angry, it'll be in here. If there's music I'm loving, in here. All the random little things my brain comes up with.