So I was watching tv the other day and a police officer said "Come out with your hands up".
Now at that point I was kind of bored of the program so I turned the tv off.
But by brain just decided to go along with the line and come up with an entire plot line surrounding it.
So now I have Jerry the gay burglar.
I imagine him to be a fiery redhead with well sculpted muscles and piercing green eyes.
When the cop shouts the line, he sashays out and replies "You caught me. I'm gay. What about you sugar?"
He steals, leaving behind empty stores and a trail of sexually confused policemen.
His calling-card is a playing card (either the Jack or King), but painted to look as though they are in drag. The card smells faintly of cinnamon.
Then when he finally gets caught, he seduces the guard and escapes, but the officer has fallen for him.
The officer (for some reason I called him Colin) catches him. But instead of bringing him in, he professes his love and asks to join him.
From then on they start thieving together, enjoying many adventures filled with danger and sexual tension.
This is why I try to keep my brain occupied with other things. I cannot be trusted to have a normal train of thought. Instead I end up with weird and completely ridiculous characters and entire histories for them. Anyway, love you guys.
Stlt~Lola by The Kinks

Rants, Rhythms And Downright Randomness
RandomA book of anything and everything. If I'm angry, it'll be in here. If there's music I'm loving, in here. All the random little things my brain comes up with.