So, is it just me who gets really easily jealous when a celebrity I like has a significant other.
Thing is, I also really like them together and find their relationship really cute.
But at the same time crush on both the celebrity and the significant other and hate them together.
But then when I imagine them splitting up I get really sad and hope it never happens.
But then I kind of want the celebrity or significant other all for myself.
But then I feel guilty, because I can see how much they mean to each other.
Uggh, it's not fair. Why do they have to be so damn attractive, both in terms of personality and appearance?
I'm just gonna die alone with my llamas on a farm somewhere in rural Japan.
It's not my fault people are so damn attractive, I can't help it. I am honestly and totally screwed, I swear I find so many people good looking but am way too afraid to even attempt dating anyone. But hey ho, that's how it is. Love ya.
Stlt~ Sick Love by The Red Hot Chili Peppers

Rants, Rhythms And Downright Randomness
RandomA book of anything and everything. If I'm angry, it'll be in here. If there's music I'm loving, in here. All the random little things my brain comes up with.