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"Take a moment and breathe then go inside." Wes said and I nodded and did as I was told and then went inside.

"Mama!" Bryce said then waddled over to me and I hugged him.

"Hi baby boy." I said and kissed his forehead.

"Hey Tess, I wasn't sure if you were gonna come today or next week so I just packed just in case which was a good idea." Sam said and I nodded.

"I'm sorry, I should've called I was just so excited to get this little one." I said as I picked him up.

"You must be Wes, hi I'm Sam." Sam introduced himself.

"Hi nice to meet you." Wes said as they shook hands.

"Take good care of my kid and take good care of her too she's a keeper." Sam said to Wes and he put his arm around me.

"I know." Wes said then kissed my cheek.

"Let me just grab his snacks and then you can take him." Sam said and I nodded.

"Here's his snack bin and also remember no squid or pears." Sam said and I nodded as he handed me the snack bin as Wes grabbed Bryce's suitcase.

"Go hug your dad bye." I said and he waddled over towards Sam and hugged him.

"Bye bub, be good and I love you so much." Sam said and then kissed his cheek.

"I'll go put all this in the car." Wes said then took the snacks with him and left.

"Call me if you need anything I'm hanging out with the guys tonight because I can't do that as much but I'll pick up if it's a serious emergency." Sam said and I nodded.

"I will Sam, don't worry I'll take good care of him and he'll be back here by Sunday night." I said and he hugged Bryce one last time then hugged me.

"Wes seems like a great guy." Sam said and I smiled.

"He is and I bet Grace is a great girl too." I said and he nodded.

"C'mon bub." I said and he walked over to me and took my hand.

"Bye dada." Bryce said the waved as we left.

"You excited bud?" I asked Bryce as I lifted him up into my arms.

"Yeah!" Bryce said and I smiled as I opened the car door and buckled Bryce into the car seat that I had to dug up from Thomas' baby years.

"Bryce this is my boyfriend Wes. He's nice so don't worry." I said and Bryce nodded in the back just playing with his little elephant.

"So I'm pretty much a step-dad now." Wes said and I nodded then pecked his lips.

"Thank you for being so supportive." I said and he nodded then took my hand and kissed it.

"Let's get a milkshake I'm really in the mood for one." Wes said and I nodded in agreement.
"Don't play rough Thomas. He's only a 1 year old." I said and he nodded as they played with Thomas' toy trucks.

"Don't worry Kaden and Wes is in there too so I don't think anything bad will happen to him." My mom said as I chopped up some carrots.

"I know, I'm just worried that something might happen and I don't want that to happen to him." I said as I got out Bryce's baby food.

"Go feed him, I'll finish the broth." My mom said and I hugged her and ran into the living room.

"Time to eat Bryce." I said as I picked him up.

"Thomas, you can play with Bryce in a bit he has to eat so why don't you come play over here." My dad suggested as he was reading off his tablet.

"Yeah Thomas, come play the Wii with us." Wes said and Thomas got up and sat on my dad's lap and my dad sighed and started talking to Thomas.

I fed little Bryce and then Wes walked up to me.

"I'll set up the toddler bed tomorrow in the guest bedroom. Can he just sleep in your room tonight I'm exhausted." Wes said and I nodded as he sat next to me.

"Why don't you catch up on sleep then?" I asked as I fixed his hair.

"I will I'm just really hungry." Wes said as I fed Bryce.

"Okay, I need to go help my mom real quick can you finish feeding him?" I asked and he nodded then took the spoon and baby food from me.

"Go help her out, I'll finish up here." Wes said then Bryce took the spoon and chucked it at him and had a tantrum.

"Oh hey baby it's okay." I soothed him as I took him out of the high chair.

"I'll just go help your mom. You finish up here while I finish in the kitchen." Wes said and I nodded as I tried to calm Bryce down.

"It's okay Bryce, mommy's right here." I said as I rocked him in my arms.

"Sweetie go on upstairs and take him there for some peace and quiet. There's lots of noises here so he's distracted so go take him upstairs. I'll bring you some dinner and some snacks." My mom said and I nodded as I grabbed his blankie and went upstairs into my room.

I got upstairs then closed the door and I started to rock him and he stopped crying. I set him on my bed and gave him some toys and he just played.

"Honey, here's some soup." My mom said as she came into my room.

"Thanks mom, I appreciate it." I said as I took the tray from her.

"Eat up, I know it's going to be a hard ride from here raising him but you can't ever give up on him." My mom said and I nodded as I dipped my spoon into the broth.

"Go eat mom, I'm fine." I said and she nodded then left my room.

"I love you Bryce." I whispered to him and sighed as I kept eating the broth.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm so so so sorry for not uploading a chapter in such a long time. I've been sick with a stomach virus and so I've been catching up on school work and sleeping a lot. I hope you all understand and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Happy Reading! <3

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