2 Years...

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"Come here Piper!" I said as my puppy ran to me and she slobbered all over me.

"Piper, that's disgusting!" I said and my fiancé just laughed.

"I'm glad you like your present." Nico said then pecked my lips and I smiled.

FLASHBACK: "I'm sorry I'm to young to get married

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"I'm sorry I'm to young to get married." I said as I closed the ring box.

"What?" Wes asked me and I sighed as he got up.

"I can't, I'm sorry." I said and ran off to catch a cab.

When I got to the house I shut my suitcases then ran out the door to the cab again. I'm to young to get married.

When I got back to California Wes texted me and called me but I never answered. So he stopped trying and we haven't seen each other ever since. I'm attending Standford with my fiancé. We started dating 2 years ago so right when I got into college we met and fell in love. I got engaged last month and we're going to get married after we graduate.
"Pipe!" Nico yelled and Piper ran to him and slobbered all over him and I laughed.

"Piper, you can't do that when Nico has to go to an interview." I said and kissed her adorable face.

"Speaking of interview I gotta go. Bye babe, I love you." Nico said then grabbed his briefcase.

"Love you too, be careful!" I yelled then he was out the door.

"You wanna go to the dog park?" I asked Piper and she started barking and I smiled then leashed her up. She ran to the door and her small body fell onto the floor.
"Go Piper!" I yelled as I threw a small tennis ball and she ran after it and I smiled.

"Hey Tess!" I heard someone call my name and I looked over to see my friend Jamie run over to me.

"Hey Jamie!" I said then hugged her and she hugged me back.

"I can't wait for you to meet my boyfriend." Jamie said as she let her puppy go loose.

"Where is he?" I asked as Piper and Jamie's dog Russell wrestled.

"He's just grabbing some drinks for us. I think he might be the one." Jamie said and I smiled at her. I haven't see Jamie this excited over a guy in such a long time.

"There he is!" Jamie said and I looked over my shoulder to see Wesley Adams...

"Isn't he handsome?" Jamie asked then ran over to Wes and I gulped then picked up Piper.

"Wes this is my friend Tessa, Tessa this is Wes." Jamie said as Wes handed her a Coke and I waved like I didn't know who he was.

"Hi I'm Tessa." I introduced. In my head I'm screaming I KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND JUST PLAY ALONG!!

"I'm Wes, nice to meet you." Wes said then smiled at me and I smiled back. I gave him a smile that said bitch I will cut you if you say anything.

"Tessa's engaged to a guy named Nico, they're perfect for each other." Jamie said and I smiled and he smiled back.

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