Chapter 1

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Talia Oniriki sighed as she turned towards the gates of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. She was on a mission to deliver scrolls to the Hokage. She was a Chunin from the Village Hidden in the Sand, she was sixteen and going to be seventeen, but she wasn't a Jounin even though she would be able to, her parents forbade her from being a higher rank then Chunin.

You can already guess that both her parents are very controling and cruel towards her ever since the incident. She was an extremely loyal ninja, but she tried to avoid killing people as most as possible.

She was nearly out the gates when an explosion landed right next to her sending her flying. She hit a tree and gasped falling to the ground. She looked up and took in the scene of the village being bombed. Gigantic bug like beings were destroying anything in their path.

Talia POV

I should walk out the gates I am litterally two meters away from, it's only common sense that a ninja from a different village shouldn't fight and defend a village that is not theirs, because it isn't my problem, is it? I should just walk away and not get involved and put my village in possible danger. But I'm not like that. I just can't abandon someone who is in need just like I was that day. That's why I'm running back into the village.

I helped some of the Genin escort villagers to a safe place, when I saw a girl with long purple hair defending a boy who was pinned to the ground with metal rods inside his hands and limbs.

She was lifted up and crashed into the ground, and he was about to pass one of those metal rods into her, and I froze in my steps, turned towards her, did the handsign, which consists of closing my fist up, and on my other hand in a fist, but the fingers on top of the first fist.

Good. Her chakra is smaller than mine, so I can perform my jutsu. It is the Kuron Chikan, my clan's Hidden Jutsu. It alows me to make an exact replica of the person I choose, and that person is transported to me, and the clone usually takes whatever damage the original person would. It also doesn't disapear like a Shadow Clone, Water Clone or anything like that, and only disapears when I tell it to. Its flaw is that if the person's chakra is bigger then mine, I can't do it. But people in my clan usually are born with a very large chakra, and we train our chakra so it can get larger.

I did it and she appeared beside me, and I saw the clone get stabed. "HINATA!" The blond shouted and transformed into this thing.

I gasped and stood up, with the girl secured on my back. That boy is running amock. He's going to destroy the entire village at this rate!

I started to run, dodging flying objects and rocks as I did so.

I looked around looking for a medical ninja, but I'm not a sensory type so I'm having trouble.

"Lady Hinata!" Someone shouted and I was hit by something. I gasped and fell to the ground dropping the girl in the process.

I looked up and a man with long black hair stood there. He was walking towards me with a menacing look on his face.

My eyes widened and my whole body started shaking. Flashbacks from that day kept on replaying in my mind.

I screamed clutching my head. I must look like a maniac "No..... No..... Please! Don't......." I said crawling away. I never get the right mind whenever something trigers those flashbacks, I freak out, in other words I'm traumatized.

Let me explain to you why I'm like this. I talked about an incident, right? Well, my family arranged for me to marry Carl, a boy from another one of the most powerful clans in the village, and I had a huge crush on him and I felt so lucky. And he acted as if he loved me too, but he tried to kill me. I've been traumatized ever since.

Tears came to my eyes and I scrambled to my feet and tried to run but I stumbled and fell right back down. I sat there, shaking like a wet cat in winter.

My eyes were wide and frantic, and I must look crazy. Tears were streaming down my face.

"Why did you do that, Neji?!" The voices were faint, but I heard them. "She was kidnaping Lady Hinata." Neji stated and you heard a sigh and a wack. "No she wasn't! You're such a... a.... nevermind." I heard and then I was brought into a hug.

I calmed down, and when I was in my right mind again, I sprung away and saw a girl with pink hair standing up.

Oh how awkward I feel. "Do you have a trauma?" She asked and I slowly nodded. The Kazekage trusts them so I should too. "Just as I thought. Can you explain what happened?" She asked and I nodded slowly again. I looked over at the boy names 'Neji'.

He rolled his eyes at me and I growled.

"I saw her about to get killed, so I used my jutsu and saved her life, and then I was looking for a medical ninja because she got really hurt, and this guy attacked me." I growled and turned around. "I should go back to my village." I said and started walking out of the village.

After a long journey, I finally got back to my village. I was stopped by the guards and I said:

"I'm really tired, so please I'd like to write my report and tell the Kazekage I'm done." I said and they let me pass.

I went home and filled in my report, which is sooooo boring if you ask me, and then I headed towards the Kazekage's office.

I knocked and heard a monotone "Come in," before walking in.

The Kazekage sat at his desk with mountainloads of paperwork next to him, scribbling down on something that I know nothing about.

He looked up as I walked further into the office, closing the door behind me. "I have my mission report." I said looking at the ground. He nodded and motioned to his desk. I put the paper with the other mission reports and he looked up. "Did you have a flashback?" He asked, like always.

It was always so embarassing whenever I had to tell him. But like always I obliged. "Yes, Sir. Not by the enemy....." I said trailing off. "What do you mean enemy?" He asked but was interupted when a ninja burst through the doors. "Lord Kazekage! The Hidden Leaf has been attacked!" He said out.

The Kazekage's inivsible eyebrows furrowed, and the ninja continued. "But they defeated the enemy, and there were no casualties. What are your orders?" He asked and stood up straight. Talia closed her eyes and bit the inside of her lip, trying to keep her breathing calm. "Carl, send our best off duty carpenters to the Hidden Leaf." He said and the boy nodded glaring in Talia's direction. "Yes Sir." He said walking out.

The black haired girl swallowed and waited a few minutes before walking out. "Thank you for your time." She said closing the door.

As she walked back to her home, she still hadn't calmed down. She opened the door and saw her parents and brother sitting at the family room table, all glaring coldly at her.

She almost passed by when she was stopped by a voice. "Talia." She turned around slowly......

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