Chapter 8

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Talia waved goodbye to the four Hidden Leaf Ninjas as they walked away from the village. Gaara had to attend to some business, and he had asked her to depart his friends on his behalf. And so she did. She was walking back to the palace, a slight bounce in her step. As she wakled, she noticed that some suspicious people were following her. She shook it off, knowing that many skilled ninja were walking the road. And as long as her trauma wasn't triggered, she was quite strong as well.

They wore plain black cloaks, and had this evil look in their eyes. She thought it best to tell Gaara about it the moment that she saw him.

She knocked on the door to his office and entered when she heard the 'come in'. She opened the door and saw Gaara sitting at his desk once again, scribbling down on some paper. As if he sensed her unease, he put down his pen and looked up at her.

She walked over to his desk and bit the inside of her cheek. "In the village-" She was cut off by another knock. The door opened and others entered. She moved out of the way as to let them talk and they blabbered on and on about things that she wasn't really paying attention to, even though she should have.

When they finally left, she was about to tell him when another knock interrupted her, again.

She sighed and walked back to her room to try to get some rest, since she was in Gaara's office all day waiting until she could get the chance to tell him. She took a shower, brushed her teeth and brushed her hair, and got changed into her green nightgown. She sat down on the edge of her bed and rubbed her face with her hands.

Just as she was about to go to sleep, there was a knock on her door. She found it odd for someone to come this late at night, but just as her hand was on the knob, she remembered the mysterious people she had seen. She took a deep breath and opened the door. Gaara stood there and her eyes widened in shock.

She moved to the side to let him in and he took one swift stride and she closed the door. She turned to him and tilted her head to the side in confusion. "I noticed that you came into my office and were trying to tell me something, but never got the chance. Then you left and I decided to come ask you." He stated, and his monotone and gruff voice sent chills down her spine; though she liked the feeling.

"Oh, yeah!" She said and sat on her bed once again. "I was walking back from departing Naruto and the rest, when I saw two people wearing black cloaks. They had this almost sinister aura around them, and they looked kind of evil and creepy. I just thought you should know." She said and he nodded a flash of confusion and worry going through his eyes.

They were in an awkward silence for a while, when she finally broke the silence. "Um...... if you don't mind...... maybe we could get to know each other better? I'm not really that tired." She said, a light red crossing over her cheeks.

He simply nodded and she moved closer to the headboard of her bed to make room for him to sit.

He hesitantly did and turned his head to look at the black haired girl. She had always wanted to get to know him more ever since their engagement was announced. "So how are we going to do this? I ask a question, you ask a question, we both answer?" She asked and he nodded.

"Um.... what's your favourite colour?" She asked, not knowing where to start. "Red." She nodded. "Green."

"What's your favourite activity?" He asked, and she had to think about it. "I guess reading." She answered. "I like looking at the stars during the night." He said and she nodded and gave him a smile.

"What's your dream?" She asked and he looked away. "To find someone to give me strength, someone who'll care for me to the end of time." He said and her heart felt a pang. I guess I don't qualify..... She thought, though she erased those thoughts and looked up at him, since she had been looking at her hands, which rested in her lap.

"My dream is to be with the one I love forever." She said and he looked away. "I'm sorry...." He said softly and she looked up at him in confusion. "Why are you sorry?" She asked. "Because you won't be able to accomplish your dream....." He said and she thought she saw sadness in his eyes, but she brushed it off as her imagagination. Without thinking about it, she wrapped her arms around him, and spoke in a whisper. "Who says I won't?" She asked and he looked shocked by her answer. Again she felt the pang in her chest as he was stiff, but slowly he wrapped his arms around her, and her eyes widened but then she closed them, content with the warmth that surrounded her.

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