Chapter 10

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Talia awoke in her bedroom, still in the ripped dress she had worn before she had fallen asleep. She sat up, stretched and gave out a yawn before getting up and looking at herself in the mirror. She looked absolutely horrible. She slipped off her torn up gown and frowned. "I really liked that dress." She groaned before looking through her wardrobe for another dress. She was told to wear them to show her elegency and graciousness. Not only was she supposed to be a symbol of strength like the Kazekage, though not as strong, she was also a symbol of beauty and wiseness.

She slipped on a dark pink straplless gown that flowed out onto the ground, slipped on a white shawl and shoes, tying her hair into a long braid over her shoulder before walking out of her bedroom, walked down the numurous halls until she reached her destination; the Kazekage office.

She knocked and entered, and saw the redhead sitting at his desk, scribbling down on paper. He looked up and saw her, and she thought that she saw relief in his eyes. He put his pen down and gestured for her to sit on the chair in front of him. She walked over and did so, looking straight at him.

"I've spoken to the Council, the wedding is to be held this Saturday. Is there anyone in particular that you want to invite?" He asked and she thought for a minute. She only had one friend, who lived outside of the village. "I have one request; Nori from the Hidden Mist." She stated simply, giving Gaara a smile.

He nodded and scribbled down the name. "I have some maids preparing your dress, you can head down later to see if you like it." He said plainly and she nodded, keeping the smile on her face. She felt a little awkward and nervous around him, though who wouldn't after fighting like that and then fainting in front of the ENTIRE village?

She sighed quietly. "You're sure about this?" She asked softly. He looked up at her. "Sure about what?" He asked and she looked away in embarassment. "Marrying me......" She trailed off. He nodded. "But there are so many more women out there in the village, some who would do such a better job than me." She said sadly. She looked up in shock when Gaara took her hand in his. "You're strong, and people look up to you in respect. You have undying kindness to others, no matter what they've done to you. You've made me feel like no one else ever has........ I don't know what I'm feeling, but are you trying to get me to call off the wedding because you don't feel the same way?" He asked and her eyes widened. "No!" She exclaimed, tears in her eyes.

"....It's because I feel the same way that I want what's best for you and for you to be happy." She said, a tear spilling over. Gaara wiped it away and kissed her forehead.

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