Chapter 5

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Talia woke up in her bedroom, lying on her bed and in the gown she wore the night before. She sat up alarmed, until she remembered the previous day's events. She sighed and stood up, looking at herself in the mirror.

She slid the dress she was wearing off and onto the floor, stepping over it and wrenching the annoying corset that made her feel like she couldn't breath off her chest and onto the floor. She walked over to her dresser and pulled out her usual attire. She slipped it on, and just as she finished her door swung open. She jumped and looked at the door, and saw Temari.

"Are you okay?!" She shouted and Talia flinched. She looked at herself in the mirror. Gold digger. That she was not, but her parents, they were a different story. She looked over at Temari and smiled. "I'm fine." Lies.

"Are you sure?" The blonde asked and Talia nodded. "Yeah." Lies.

Temari sighed and gave her a worried look. "If you say so." She said and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. The smile fell from Talia's lips. She walked over to the window where a balcony was beyong them. She pushed them open and stepped through walking all the way to the edge of the balcony leaning on it. She let the wind blow through her hair, closing her eyes, basking in the soft breeze.

She took a deep breath. There was a knock on her door and she turned around, opening it after closing her window/balcony door.

"Lady Talia, you have visitors." A ninja said and she smiled. "Thank you. Where should I meet them?" She asked, her heart beat quickening. "They said they'd be in the garden." He said and bowed. She thanked him again and walked away, closing her door. Once she got to the garden, she gulped.

"You did show up, good girl, Talia." Her mother said mockingly. Talia looked away. "That stunt you pulled last night was unexceptable." She said, advancing towards Talia.

Talia closed her eyes a hand came into contact with her cheek with much force. Talia opened her eyes and stared at her mother. "You should feel lucky that you're marrying the Kazekage. Bringing him such shame is....." Talia cut her off. "You know what, mother? I do feel lucky that I'm marrying him, because he's an amazing man. But under these circumstances, I feel like a burden that was placed on his shoulders. He doesn't deserve to have such a weak, pitiful wife, and I've taken away his chance to marry the one he loves. Maybe I'm better off dead, no one would be burdened by me anymore. Not you, nor him." She said, her face emotionless as she talked, though on the inside, her feelings were in turmoil.

Her mother stared at her with shocked eyes that soon turned to anger. "How dare you talk back to your mother like that?!" She shouted and went to slap the girl again. Talia caught her hand. "Too bad I don't consider you my mother anymore." She said and the older woman growled and stomped away, unpleased.

Talia turned around and was about to walk away when someone grabbed her wrist. She turned around to recieve a punch to the face. She stumbled back a little and saw her brother glaring at her. "You're dispicable. Talking to Mom like that." He said, and her father gave her a glare and a look of disapproval before walking away, her brother following close behind.

A drop of blood fell from her nose and she put her hand up to her face, her nose in immense pain. More blood started to fall and she cleared her throat and started walking off to find something to stop the bleeding. What she did know, was that Gaara had seen and heard the entire thing.

Only then did he realize that her parents caused her much more pain than he had originally thought.

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